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Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, na kakšen način se spreminja koordinacija 5-letnih otrok glede na spol, če z njimi bodisi sistematično izvajamo gibalne dejavnosti bodisi jih ne izvajamo. Preverjali smo učinke na koordinacijo po desetih sistematično načrtovanih in izvajanih gibalnih dejavnostih s ciljem razvoja koordinacije, in sicer v obliki elementarnih iger. V vzorec merjencev je bilo vključenih 40 predšolskih otrok, starih 5 let, iz Vrtca Šenčur. V kontrolni skupini je bilo 20 otrok iz oddelka Levčki, v eksperimentalni pa 20 iz oddelka Slončki. Vse otroke smo na začetku eksperimenta testirali s testom koordinacije »hoja skozi obroče«. Nato je eksperimentalna skupina 2-krat tedensko izvajala sistematično načrtovane gibalne dejavnosti v obsegu ene pedagoške ure v obdobju 5 tednov. Kontrolna skupina teh dejavnosti ni bila deležna. Za gibalne dejavnosti smo izbrali gibalne igre, prek katerih smo stopnjevali koordinacijo. Po 5 tednih smo obe skupini otrok ponovno preizkusili z enakim testom kot na začetku. Iz dobljenih rezultatov smo ugotovili, da so otroci, ki so bili deležni sistematične gibalne dejavnosti, izboljšali rezultat v koordinaciji bolj kot tisti, ki sistematične dejavnosti niso bili deležni. Sklepamo, da se koordinacija izboljšuje, če nanjo sistematično vplivamo. Potrjujemo, da so učinki na koordinacijo opazni že po 10 sistematično izvajanih gibalnih dejavnostih. Razlik v razvoju koordinacij med dečki in deklicami nismo zaznali. The aim of the diploma thesis was to determine how the coordination of 5-year-old children differs in relation to gender, depending on whether they are either systematically involved in physical activity or not. We examined the effects on coordination after having performed ten systematically planned and implemented physical activities (in the form of elementary games) that are aimed at developing coordination. The sample of participants consisted of 40 preschool children aged 5 years from the Šenčur Kindergarten. The control group consisted of 20 children from the section Levčki (Little lions), whereas the experimental group consisted of 20 children from the section Slončki (Little elephants). At the beginning of the experiment all children were tested with a coordination test that consisted of them “walking through rings”. The experimental group then performed systematically planned physical activities 2 times a week for one teaching hour over a period of five weeks. The control group did not perform any activities. The physical activities consisted of games that involved movement, and coordination exercises were gradually increased. After 5 weeks, both groups of children performed the same test as in the beginning of the study once again. The results showed that the children who carried out systematic physical activities improved their coordination scores more than those who did not perform any systematic physical activities. We can conclude that coordination improves when it is influenced in a systematic way. We confirm that the effects on coordination are noticeable already after 10 systematically performed physical activities. We have not observed any differences in the development of coordination between boys and girls. |