Program za risanje enopolnih shem električnih razdelilcev na podlagi tabele tokokrogov

Autor: Dremel, Aljaž
Přispěvatelé: Kobav, Matej Bernard
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Diplomsko delo se nanaša na projektiranje in risanje enopolnih načrtov električnih inštalacij. Programersko delo je bazirano v okolju Excel, AutoCAD, programiranju v programskem jeziku VBA, ter samodejnem risanju enopolnih shem elektroinštalacij. Cilj diplomske naloge je samodejni izris enopolnih shem v programu AutoCAD, na podlagi tekstovnega opisa uporabnika programa. Na začetku sledi kratka predstavitev programiranja v VBA, risanja v AutoCAD-u in koncept programa. Kasneje si po postopkih sledi pregled delovanja programa z navodili kako dodati dodatne elemente v program. Naloga se najprej dotakne programskega okolja AutoCAD, ki je že kot temeljni program za risanje različnih inženirskih shem. Na elektro področju se zelo pogosto uporablja v projektiranju in risanju električnih načrtov, običajno sta to načrta iz enopolnih shem in tlorisov. Spoznali bomo začetniške funkcije programa, katere nam lahko pridejo prav ob risanju, ter na katerih bazira celoten program. Sledi predstavitev programskega okolja VBA, ter programske sintakse, katere so uporabljene v projektu. V kolikor se bralec zanima za VBA programiranje, lahko na podlagi te diplomske odnese kar nekaj kompetenc. Ob predstavitvi programskih okolij VBA in AutoCAD, nas naloga popelje v svet projekta te naloge, katerega je cilj avtomatski izris enopolne sheme na podlagi Excel datoteke. Program Excel ni podrobneje opisan, saj je v inženirski stroki zelo pogosto uporabljen. Sledijo navodila za zagon programa, opisan postopek, ter ozadje programa. Uporabniku je nazorno prikazan pravilen vnos podatkov v Excel tabele, na podlagi katerih program riše sheme v AutoCAD. Zagon programa se izvaja po dveh sekvencah. Prva se nahaja v programskem okolju Excel, slednja pa preide v drugo sekvenco, ta je v okolju VBA. V obeh primerih mora uporabnik sam vnesti željene podatke, na podlagi katerih program izvaja risanje. Podrobneje je opisano tudi ozadje delovanja programa. Tukaj se dotaknemo programiranja v okolju VBA. Vsak uporabniški ukaz je slikovno podrobneje opisan. Na slikah lahko zasledimo odseke posameznih kod. Diplomska naloga je tako strnjena v skupno celoto, katera je lahko uporabniku programa v pomoč, ali kot referenca za izvajanje podobnega programiranja za avtomatsko AutoCAD risanje. The bachelor's thesis focuses on the design and drawing of single-pole wiring diagrams for electrical installations. The programming part of the thesis is based on the software environment Excel, AutoCAD, programming in the VBA programming language, and on automatic drawing of single-pole diagrams for electrical installations. The aim of the bachelor's thesis is to automatically draw single-pole diagrams in the AutoCAD program, based on the textual description of the user of the program. At the beginning, there is a brief introduction to the VBA programming, AutoCAD drawing and the concept of the program. Later, we take a step-by-step look at how the program works, with instructions on how to add additional elements to the program. The thesis first touches upon the AutoCAD software environment, which is the basic program for drawing various engineering diagrams. In the field of electrical engineering, it is very often used in the design and drawing of electrical plans. Usually, these plans are made from single-pole diagrams and floor plans. We will get to know the basic functions of the program, which can be of help when drawing, and on which the entire program is based. This is followed by an introduction to the VBA software environment and the programming syntax used in the project. If the reader is interested in VBA programming, he or she can learn quite a few competencies from the bachelor’s thesis. Having introduced the VBA and AutoCAD software environments, the thesis presents the project of this thesis, which aims to automatically draw single-pole diagrams based on an Excel file. Excel is not described in detail as it is very common in engineering. This is followed by instructions for launching the program, description of the procedure, and the background of the program. The user is shown how to correctly enter the data into the Excel tables, on the basis of which the program draws diagrams in AutoCAD. The program is launched in two sequences. The first one is located in the Excel software environment, and the latter switches to the second sequence, which is in the VBA environment. In both cases, the user has to enter the desired data on the basis of which the program performs the drawing. The background of the functioning of the program is also described in more detail. Here we touch on programming in the VBA environment. Each user command is described in more detail in the figures. Sections of individual codes can be seen in the figures. The thesis is thus condensed into a coherent whole, which can be of help to the user of the program, or serves as a reference for implementing similar programming for automatic AutoCAD drawing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE