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V magistrski nalogi Geološki pogoji plitvega in globokega temeljenja na heterogenem umetnem nasipu so predstavljene terenske in laboratorijske preiskave za pridobitev geomehanskih lastnosti zemljin, na podlagi katerih so bili izvedeni izračuni nosilnosti temeljev za bodoči objekt na območju osrednje Slovenije. Terenske preiskave so zajemale spremljavo vrtanja ter popis 6 vrtin do globine 15 m, merjenje z žepnim penetrometrom, žepno krilno sondo ter standardno penetracijsko preiskavo. Na terenu so bili odvzeti vzorci iz različnih globin vrtin za laboratorijske preiskave. Z laboratorijskimi preiskavami smo pridobili podatke o fizikalno – mehanskih lastnostih zemljin, kot so gostota, konsistenčne meje, stisljivost in trdnost. Na podlagi vseh pridobljenih podatkov so bili izvedeni izračuni nosilnosti pilotov in temeljne plošče po različnih metodah ter primerjava le-teh. The master’s thesis entitled Geological conditions of shallow and deep foundations on a heterogeneous artificial embankment presents field and laboratory research to obtain geomechanical properties of earths, based on which calculations of the load-capacity of foundations for the future object in central Slovenia were performed. The field research included monitoring of the drilling and recording of 6 boreholes to a depth of 15 m and measuring with a pocket penetrometer and a pocket vane probe and a standard penetration examination. In the field, samples from different depths of the boreholes were taken for laboratory examinations. With the laboratory examinations we obtained data about the physical and mechanical properties of earths, like density, consistency limits, compressibility and strength. Based on all the obtained data, we calculated the load-capacity of piles and the foundation plate using different methods and compared them. |