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Pojem »javne« pogodbe je v slovenski terminologiji izraz, ki ni uradno utemeljen in predpisan. Izraz se sicer navadno uporablja za skupno poimenovanje javnih naročil in javnih koncesij, vendar lahko, na podlagi elementov javne pogodbe, med njo uvrstimo tudi nekatere druge pogodbe. Javne pogodbe so pogodbe, ki se sklepajo med državo in posameznikom z namenom uresničevanja javnega interesa in zadovoljevanja potreb širše družbe. Namen diplomske naloge je temeljil na predstavitvi javnih pogodb in se pri tem opredelil do možne razlike med javnimi pogodbami in načelom javnosti pogodb ter institut javne pogodbe apliciral na primeru sklenitve zakonske zveze v Sloveniji. Namen je v širšem razumevanju javnih pogodb, kot se razumejo sedaj. V teoretičnem delu je uporabljena pisna oziroma deskriptivna metoda, pri čemer je uporabljena domača in tuja literatura. Vir povzemanja predstavlja zbiranje literature in informacij. V raziskovalnem delu se delo opredeli do možnosti razlike med javnimi pogodbami in načelom javnosti pogodb, kjer ugotovimo, da je načelo javnosti prisoten in pomemben del vsake javne pogodbe. Problem se opredeli tudi do umestitev zakonske zveze med oblike javne pogodbe, ki poteka v zaporednih korakih. Pri tem ugotovimo, da načelo javnosti ni prisotno v zakonski zvezi. Na podlagi ugotovitev lahko javne pogodbe razumemo širše od zgolj javnih naročil in koncesij, kot se razumejo sedaj. The term “public” contract is a term in Slovene terminology that is not officially substantiated and prescribed. Although the term is commonly used to collectively refer to procurement contracts and public concessions, it may, based on the elements of public contracts, include some other contracts as well. Public contracts are contracts that are concluded between the state and an individual with the aim of realizing the public interest and meeting the needs of the wider society. The purpose of the diploma thesis was based on thoroughly presenting public contracts and defining the possible differences between public contracts and the principle of publicity of contracts and the application of the public contract institute in the case of marriage in Slovenia. The purpose is in a broader understanding of public contracts than is now understood. In the theoretical part, the written or descriptive method was used, using national and foreign literature. The source of the summary is the collection of literature and information. In the research part, the thesis opted for the possibility of the difference between public contracts and the principle of publicity of contracts, where it is established that the principle of publicity is present and an important part of every public contract. The problem also opts for the establishment of marriages as a form of public contracts, taking place in successive steps. We established that the principle of publicity is not present in the marriage. Based on the findings, public contracts can be understood more broadly than the above-mentioned procurement contracts and public concessions as they are now understood. |