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Industrija luksuzne kozmetike je ena izmed najbolj priznanih segmentov luksuzne industrije na splošno namreč v kategorijo najbolj iskanih luksuznih izdelkov spada tudi kozmetika. A ker so luksuzni kozmetični izdelki precej dražji in tudi težje dostopni od neluksuznih, sem se v svojem diplomskem delu odločila raziskati motive in razloge za tovrstne nakupe. Zanimalo me je, ali na nakup v večji meri vpliva luksuzna znamka kot takšna, ali je glavni motiv dejanska oziroma zaznana kakovost, ali so morda motivi navdušenja drugih glavni razlog za nakup luksuzne kozmetike. S pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika in statistične analize odgovorov sem ugotovila, da so glavni motivi za nakup luksuzne kozmetike pravzaprav samonagrajevanje, razvajanje samih in ter boljše počutje po nakupu zaradi dobre kakovosti. Na koncu sem izpeljala sklep, da potrošniki luksuzno kozmetiko nakupujejo predvsem zaradi nekih psiholoških ugodnosti in kakovosti. Najmanjši vpliv na nakup imajo torej motivi, vezani na puščanje vtisa. The luxury cosmetics industry is one of the most recognised segments of the luxury industry in general. However, as luxury cosmetics are much more expensive and harder to find than non-luxury cosmetics, I decided to investigate the motives and reasons behind such purchases in my thesis. I was interested in whether the luxury brand itself is a major influence on the purchase whether the actual or perceived quality is the main motive, or whether the motive to impress others is perhaps the main reason for buying luxury cosmetics. Using a questionnaire and SPSS analysis, I came to the conclusion that the main motives for buying luxury cosmetics are actually rewarding oneself, pampering oneself, and feeling better after the purchase due to the quality product. In the end, I concluded that consumers buy luxury cosmetics mainly to reward themselves, to pamper themselves, and to get the feeling of luxury that accompanies the consumer after the purchase. Motives that involve impressing others therefore have the least impact on purchase. |