Problem mitskih ženskih likov v dramah Smrt in deklica I-V in lepe vide lepo gorijo

Autor: Čermelj, Maruša
Přispěvatelé: Žunkovič, Igor
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Dramski deli Smrt in deklica I-V in lepe vide lepo gorijo bi najlažje povezali z njuno reprezentacijo ženskih likov, ki so v besedilih postavljene v ospredje. Prav tako sta si avtorici (Elfriede Jelinek in Simona Semenič) podobni v rušenju konvencionalne dramske forme in posledično tudi dramskih elementov. Ko govorimo o splošni obravnavi ženskih likov, se dramski besedili razlikujeta že po karakterizaciji oseb. Pri Elfriede Jelinek sledimo monološkim izpovedim princes, medtem ko Simona Semenič predstavlja zgolj čarovnice. Kljub temu vsaka na svoj način polemizira o podobnih tegobah svojih likov, do katerih nista prizanesljivi. V obeh besedilih se pojavljajo ženske dramske osebe, ki so nam dobro znane, vendar je vredno poudariti, da so pa takšne njihove usode, s čimer je eksplicitneje prikazana avtoričina drža do izpostavljanja žensk, ki jih poznajo tudi zgodovina, literarna zapuščina ali npr. popularna kultura. Nasprotno pa Elfriede Jelinek za svoje princese izbira najprej znane pravljične junakinje, nato pa ženske, ki postanejo v zadnjih šestdesetih letih del naše kolektivne zavesti. Pri besedilu Smrt in deklica I-V je skozi mutacijo likov in skozi avtoričine vložke subtilnejše čutiti njen odnos do izpostavljanja obravnavanih ženskih likov. V obeh delih najdemo vzporednice, ki so zavite v različna stila izražanja in eksplicitno ter implicitno obravnavanje tem, s katerimi se spopadata. Dramatic texts Smrt in deklica I-V and lepe vide lepo gorijo could easily be linked by their representation of female characters which are at the center of both of the texts. The authors of the discussed texts (Elfriede Jelinek and Simona Semenič) also have a similar way of diconstructing the dramatic form and consequently the dramatic elements. When we talk about the surface-level outlook of the main characters, the two dramatic texts differ in the characterization of these characters. In the text from Elfriede Jelinek, we follow a series of confessional monologues from each princess, while Simona Semenič in contrast presents each of the witches. Nevertheless, both of the authors problematize about similar experiences that their characters go true while at times remaining unforgiving towards them. At this point, it is crucial to note that Simona Semenič puts the stories of the everyday woman that are not necessarily widely known to the center of her text and consequently shows her approach to highlighting the women who have been given a place in history, literary legacy or e.g. popular culture. Contrary to Simona Semenič Elfriede Jelinek highlights fairy tale princesses and women who became a part of our collective consciousness in the last sixty years. Through the mutation of the characters and the author's impacts on the text, we can understand what kind of relationship Elfriede Jelinek has towards the exposure of the female characters in question. As a result, there can be many parallels between texts, that are wrapped in different kinds of styles of writing and the explicit and implicit addressing of the issues they are discussing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE