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V diplomski nalogi smo obravnavali tehnologije varjenja cevi za usmerjen odvod presežka plinov iz baterijskega sklopa. Pred izbiro tehnologije smo preučili izbrane materiale in možnosti njihovega varjenja. V našem primeru smo izbrali poliamid 6 (PA6) in poliamid 6 s 30% steklenih vlaken (PA6 GF30). Nato smo na podlagi kupčevih zahtev ter že obstoječih tehnologij v podjetju, izbrali tehnologijo infrardečega (IR) varjenja. Za IR varjenje smo se odločili, ker gre za brezkontaktno, čisto, hitro in tehnično manj zahtevno metodo. Z izbrano tehnologijo smo nato opravili prve preizkuse in določili parametre varjenja. Na pripravljenih vzorcih smo opravili natezni preizkus ter preizkus tesnosti, s katerim smo potrdili, da izdelek izpolnjuje vse zahteve. Po opravljenih preizkusih smo ugotovili, da dobimo najbolj kakovosten zvar, ki izpolnjuje zahteve, če za varjenje uporabimo parametra: čas gretja cevi 14 s in razdaljo med cevjo in IR lučko 23 mm. Na podlagi končnih rezultatov preizkusov smo preučili možne izboljšave, ki se bodo vpeljale kasneje v serijski proces. In this thesis, we explored different welding technologies of pipes for directional degassing of excess gases from the battery assembly. Before choosing the technology, we studied the selected materials and their welding possibilities. Based on that we used polyamide 6 (PA6) and polyamide 6 with 30% of glass fibers (PA6 GF30). Based on the customers requirements and already existing technologies in the company, we chose infrared welding technology. We chose IR welding because it is contactless, clean, fast and technically less complicated method. With that technology, we performed first trials in which we determined the welding parameters. After setting the parameters, we performed tensile strength and tightness tests with which we confirmed that the parts meet all the requirements. The test showed that the best quality weld, that also meets all the requirements, is the one with parameters: pipe heating time 14 s and distance between the pipe and the IR light 23 mm. The results of the tests also determined possible improvements that will be implemented later in serial production. |