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Biotično varstvo rastlin je način zatiranja škodljivih organizmov rastlin z uporabo koristnih organizmov. To so domorodne ali tujerodne vrste organizmov, kot so živi naravni sovražniki, antagonisti ali kompetitorji ali njihovi produkti in drugi organizmi, ki se lahko sami razmnožujejo, vključno s tistimi, ki so pakirani ali formulirani kot komercialen proizvod za biotično varstvo rastlin. Trichoderma vrste so bile prvič predstavljene kot biotični agens za zatiranje rastlinskih bolezni v tridesetih letih 20. stoletja. Sprva so sposobnost obvladovanja patogenov pripisovali antibiozi in mikoparazitiranju. S tema mehanizmoma načina delovanja lahko Trichoderma vrste sproščajo antibiotične spojine, ki zavirajo rast patogenov in s tem omogočajo večjo in boljšo razrast gliv Trichoderma spp.. Rod Verticillium velja za enega izmed najpomembnejših fitopatogenih rodov gliv, predvsem v zmerno toplem podnebju. Največjo škodo povzročata vrsti Verticillium dahliae in Verticillium albo-atrum. Zanimalo nas je, ali imajo Trichoderma vrste antagonističen učinek na Verticillium spp. in kakšno vlogo ima temperatura. V poskusu smo uporabili 3 Verticillium izolate (V. nonalfalfae (01), V. nonalfalfae (36) in V. dahliae (110)) in 5 Trichoderma izolatov (T. atroviride (1872), T. koningiopsis (1874), T. harzianum (2878), T. afroharzianum (2885) in T. gamsii (2883). Preučevane Trichoderma vrste so pri temperaturi 25 °C najbolj zavirale V. nonalfalfae (01). Med njimi je imela največji zaviralni učinek gliva T. afroharzianum. Pri temperaturi 15 °C so Trichoderma vrste najbolj zavirale rast V. dahliae (110). Med njimi je imela najmanjši zaviralni učinek gliva T. gamsii. Do statistično značilne inhibicije rasti v primerjavi s kontrolo je prišlo pri vseh obravnavanjih in sicer 14. dan po inokulaciji Trichoderma spp.. Biological control of plant diseases is a method of controlling plant pests using beneficial organisms. These are native or non-native species of organisms such as living natural enemies, antagonists or competitors or their products and other organisms capable of self-replication, including those packaged or formulated as a commercial biological plant control product. Trichoderma species were first introduced as a biological agent for controlling plant diseases in the 1930s. Initially, the ability to control pathogens was attributed to antibiosis and mycoparasitism. With these two mechanisms of action, Trichoderma species can release antibiotic compounds that inhibit the growth of pathogens and thus enable greater and better growth of Trichoderma spp. fungi. The genus Verticillium is considered one of the world's most important phytopathogenic genera of fungi, especially in moderately warm climates. The species Verticillium dahliae and Verticillium albo-atrum cause the most damage. We were interested in whether Trichoderma species have an antagonistic effect on Verticillium spp. and what role does temperature play. In the experiment, we used 3 Verticillium isolates (V. nonalfalfae (01), V. nonalfalfae (36) and V.dahliae (110)) and 5 Trichoderma isolates (T. atroviride (1872), T. koningiopsis (1874), T. harzianum (2878), T. afroharzianum (2885) and T. gamsii (2883). The studied Trichoderma species inhibited V. nonalfalfae (01) the most at 25 °C. Among them, the fungus T. afroharzianum had the greatest inhibitory effect. The least Trichoderma species inhibited the growth of V. dahliae (110) at 15 °C. Among them, the fungus T. gamsii had the smallest inhibitory effect. A statistically significant inhibition of growth compared to the control occurred in all treatments at the end of the area measurement, i.e. 14th day. |