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V svoji magistrski nalogi sem raziskovala medijski diskurz o Greti Thunberg v slovenskih revijah, ki izražajo implicitno ali eksplicitno podporo desnemu političnemu spektru. Zanimalo nas je, ali diskurz o njej in okoljevarstvu v sebi nosi potencial, da bi lahko postal desnopopulističen, in s kakšnimi jezikovnimi strategijami se desni populizem reproducira. Naloga je zgrajena okoli teorij, kritičnih do desnega populizma in medijskega populizma ter ekofeminističnih teorij, in je analiza, izvedena s pomočjo metode kritične analize diskurza. V raziskavi smo potrdili predpostavko, da je okoljevarstveni diskurz v spletnih člankih revij Demokracija, Reporter in Nova24 desnopopulističen in da se desni populizem v medijskih diskurzih kaže v ustvarjanju nove družbene grožnje, zavračanju ženskih političnih figur, skepticizmu do okoljevarstva, predvsem pa v promoviranju neoliberalnih vrednot in trivializaciji družbenega vprašanja. Ideja gospodarske rasti, ki mu okoljevarstvo grozi, je bila dominantna premisa ekonomskega vidika in opazimo jo lahko v vseh analiziranih člankih. In my Master's thesis I examined the media discourse on Greta Thunberg in Slovenian magazines that implicitly or explicitly express support for the right-wing political spectrum. I was interested in whether the discourse about her and environmental protection has the potential to become right-wing populist and through which linguistic strategies right-wing populism is reproduced. The paper draws on theories of ecofeminism and on theories critical of right-wing populism and media populism and presents an analysis carried out using the method of critical discourse analysis. In the research I confirmed the assumption that the environmental discourse in the online articles of the magazines Demokracija, Reporter and Nova24 is right-wing populist and that this manifests itself in the media discourses through the creation of a new social threat, the rejection of female political figures, scepticism towards environmental protection and, above all, the promotion of neoliberal values and the trivialisation of social problems. The idea of (unlimited) economic growth threatened by environmental protection was the dominant premise of the economic perspective and can be found in all the analysed articles. |