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Reminiscence predstavljajo v Strniševi dramatiki poseben dramaturškostilni element. Dramatik jih vpleta v dramsko dogajanje kot "spomin duše" in tako ustvarja posebno relacijo med bivanjem in nebivanjem v prostoru, kjer se gibljejo dramski junaki. Razmišljanje želi opozoriti na poetično funkcijo reminiscenc, ki so povezane s človekovim "pesniškim domovanjem" in s smrtjo kot ponovno vrnitvijo v otroštvo. In Strniša's dramas reminiscences represent a special dramaturgic'stylistic element. The dramatist includes them as "soul memories" in dramatic events, thus creating a special relation between being and not being present in a place where heroes of the drama are engaged. The aim is call one's attention to the poetic function of reminiscences which are linked with a man's "poetic dwelling" and death as a re-return to childhood. |