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V zaključni nalogi je predstavljen razvoj naprave, ki pripomore k varnemu, nadzorovanemu in fizično manj zahtevnemu podiranju dreves. Cilj naloge je zasnova prototipa, ki ima vgrajen električni pogon, saj take rešitve še ni na trgu. Naprava je bila načrtovana glede na zahteve in želje uporabnikov, iz katerih so bili oblikovani okvirni koncepti ter kasneje ovrednoteni. Izbran je bil najbolj primeren koncept, katerega princip delovanja je vrtenje matice, ki tako premika navojno vreteno. V nalogi je opisano snovanje in razvoj prototipa ter modeliranje le-tega. This thesis presents the development of a device, which can be used for safer, more controlled and physically less demanding tree felling. The goal is to design a prototype that uses a built-in electric drive as there are no such products available on the market. The device was designed around the demands and wishes of its users, from where different concepts were created and later evaluated. The most suitable concept was picked, its working principle is the rotation of the nut which moves the threaded spindle. The thesis portrays the design and development process of the prototype and its modeling. |