Določitev dnevnih pomikov droga točke KOPE na mareografski postaji Koper

Autor: Brezovar, Vera
Přispěvatelé: Ambrožič, Tomaž
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: V magistrski nalogi smo ugotavljali stabilnost točke KOPE, ki je ena od šestnajstih stalnih postaj GNSS državnega omrežja SIGNAL ter ena od šestih točk mreže 0. reda. Glede na to, da je sprejemnik GNSS postavljen na kovinsko konstrukcijo, ki jo podpirata kovinski nogi iz drugega materiala, nas je zanimalo, ali raztezanje in krčenje materiala konstrukcije zaradi segrevanja vpliva na spremembo položaja točke KOPE. Točka se nahaja poleg bivše kapitanije v Kopru in je povezana z mareografom Koper. Meritve smo izvedli v dveh terminskih izmerah. Pri prvi izmeri smo uporabljali le klasično terestrično metodo izmere, pri drugi izmeri pa smo klasični izmeri dodali še izmero GNSS, da bi tudi z drugo metodo geodetske izmere ugotovili spremembe v položaju točke KOPE zaradi gibanja konstrukcije. Ugotovili smo, da točka KOPE ni stabilna. Izmerjeni premiki so se gibali v prvi izmeri med –5,0 mm do 0,01 mm, v drugi izmeri pa med –6,7 mm ter 1,5 mm. Glede na pridobljene rezultate se postavlja vprašanje, ali je točka KOPE primerna za visoko-natančne meritve, kot je na primer statična metoda GNSS izmere. The subject of the master’s thesis is the stability of the point KOPE, which is one of the sixteen stations in the SIGNAL network and one of the six points of zero order forming the national zero-order geodetic network. Considering that the GNSS receiver is mounted on a metal pole supported by metal legs made of a different material, we were interested to see whether the expansion and contraction of the structure material due to heating affects the change in KOPE point. The point is positioned next to the ex- Harbourmaster’s Office in Koper as part of the tide gauge station. The measurements were performed at two different time intervals. First measurements were executed using only classical terrestrial method, the second ones were additionally measured with GNSS measurement method, which was added to the classical measurement in order to identify changes in the position of the KOPE point due to the movement of the structure. The research’s outcome is the understanding that the point KOPE is not stable. The measured displacements ranged from -5,0 mm to 0,01 mm in the first measurements and from -6,7 mm to 1,5 mm in the second measurements. The results raise the question whether the point KOPE is suitable for high-precision measurements, such as the static GNSS method.
Databáze: OpenAIRE