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Raziskovalno področje magisterskega dela je uporaba tehnologij razširjene resničnosti (xR) v procesu načrtovanja produktov. Za načrtovanje je pogosta uporaba sistemov CAD. Identificirali smo koristi, ki jih xR tehnologije lahko prinesejo CAD načrtovalcem. V delu predstavljamo metodologijo za neposredno integracijo izbranega CAD sistema v okolje navidezne resničnosti. Razvili smo prototipno rešitev, ki konstrukcije ter del funkcionalnosti sistema SOLIDWORKS CAD prenese v VR aplikacijo, izdelano v igralnem pogonu Unity. Opisali smo korake implementacije, ki naslavljajo glavne izzive s katerimi se pri takšni integraciji soočamo in predstavili rezultate s prikazom ponujenih funkcionalnosti in preseljenih konstrukcij. A research area of this thesis is the use of extended reality (xR) technologies within the product design process. Product design is most commonly achieved with the use of specialized CAD software. We have identified some of the potential benefits that could be provided to CAD designers with the use of xR technologies. Through our work we present a methodology to directly integrate a chosen CAD system into the virtual reality environment. We have developed a prototype solution where CAD models and a part of SOLIDWORKS CAD functionalities are being transfered within a VR aplication, that was made with Unity game engine. We have described the implementation steps which address the main challenges to achieve such an integration and presented our results with a showcase of our functionalities and transfered CAD models. |