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V procesnih sistemih z oksidacijo jeklenih elementov nastajajo magnetitni delci, ki povzročajo zmanjšanje učinkovitosti in potencialne okvare procesnih sistemov. Opravljena je analiza velikosti magnetitnih delcev iz realnega sistema. Posebna pozornost je posvečana povečanju odpornosti na nabiranje magnetitnih delcev centrifugalne črpalke kot tipičnega elementa procesnega sistema. Osnovni ukrep je optimalno zmanjšanje volumskega pretoka vode skozi rotorski sklop z računskim modelom in eksperimentalno validacijo. Pri tem je z vizualizacijo preverjena zmožnost odzračevanja. Dodatni ukrepi temeljijo na principu separacije magnetitnih delcev pred vstopom v rotorski sklop. Za vse izvedbe ukrepov so izmerjene karakteristične krivulje črpalke in opravljen trajnostni test z magnetitnimi delci. Najbolj učinkovit ukrep je uporaba filtracije, ki ne poslabša karakterističnih krivulj in ob tem za 20 % zmanjša nabiranje magnetitnih delcev v rotorskem sklopu ter zmanjša obrabo ležajev za povprečno 98 % v primerjavi z referenčno črpalko. The oxidation of steel elements in process systems produces magnetite particles, which cause a decrease in the efficiency and potential failure of the process systems. The size of magnetite particles obtained from a real system is analyzed. Particular attention is paid to increasing the resistance to the accumulation of the magnetite particles in the centrifugal pump, as a typical element of the process system. The basic measure is to optimally reduce the volumetric flow of water through the rotor assembly with a calculation model and experimental validation. With visualization, the deaeration ability is verified. Additional measures are based on the principles of separation of particles of magnetite prior to entry into the rotor assembly. For all examples, the pump's characteristic curves are measured and a long term test with magnetite particles is performed. The most effective measure is to use a filter that does not impair the characteristic curves while reducing the accumulation of magnetite in the rotor assembly by 20 % and reducing the bearing wear by an average of 98 % compared to the reference pump. |