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V zaključnem delu je obravnavana problematika izginjanja značilnih lastnosti slovenskih ruralnih naselij, spreminjanja njihove identitete in pomanjkanja kakovostnih javnih prostorov v teh naseljih. Išče se ustrezno razmerje med starim in novim, glede na zakonitosti, ki so skozi leta izoblikovale naš prostor. Opredeljene so splošne lastnosti kakovostnega javnega odprtega prostora v povezavi z ohranjanjem identitete ruralnih območij gorenjske predalpske regije. Vsebina magistrskega dela temelji na vrednotah kritičnega regionalizma, pri čemer se poudarja pomembnost upoštevanja lokalnih in individualnih značilnosti posameznega kraja. Dokazala sem, da je upoštevanje tradicionalnih lastnosti izbranih ruralnih naselij v kombinaciji z moderno gradnjo s sodobnimi materiali, način za ohranjanje in ustvarjanje identitete krajev. Tako oblikovanje je vezano na izbrano okolje in upošteva značilnosti ter potrebe regije. Raziskovala sem v kakšnem razmerju so javni odprti prostori in njihova okolica ter kaj je tisto, ki najbolj vpliva na kakovost teh prostorov. Z izborom več trgov različnih krajev v regiji, sem želela poudariti pomembnost hkratnega in usklajenega načrtovanja širše okolice, kar ima pomembno vlogo pri ustvarjanju kontinuitete prostora in zmožnosti zaznavanja identitete teh krajev. Pri ureditvi trga je bil poudarek na harmoničnem odnosu med stavbami in odprtim prostorom. Idejna zasnova javnega odprtega prostora upošteva teoretsko osnovo in kraju poskušajo dodati vrednost, ga narediti privlačnejšega za prebivalce in obiskovalce ter vplivati na njegov širši prostor. The thesis discusses the issue of the disappearance of characteristic features of Slovenian rural settlements, the change in their identity and the lack of high-quality public spaces in these settlements. We are looking for an appropriate relationship between the old and the new, according to everything that has shaped our space over the years. The general characteristics of high-quality public open space in connection with the preservation of the identity of the rural areas of the Upper Carniola pre-Alpine region are defined. The content of the master's thesis is based on the values of critical regionalism, emphasizing the importance of each place's local and individual characteristics. I proved that taking into account the traditional features of selected rural settlements in combination with modern construction with modern materials is a way to preserve and create the identity of places. Such design is tied to the chosen environment and takes into account the characteristics and needs of the region. I researched the relationship between public open spaces and their surroundings and what influences the quality of these spaces the most. By choosing several squares of different settlements in the region, I wanted to emphasize the importance of simultaneous and coordinated planning of the broader surroundings, which plays an important role in creating the continuity of space and the ability to perceive the identity of these places. The emphasis of the square design was on the harmonious relationship between the buildings and the open space. The conceptual design of public open space takes into account the theoretical basis and tries to add value to the place, make it more attractive for residents and visitors and influence its surroundings. |