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Naloga opisuje razvoj in realizacijo kolekcije moških in ženskih oblačil z vključevanjem reciklaže že obstoječih oblačil. V teoretičnem delu so raziskane ideje, ki skupaj tvorijo kreativno podlago omenjene kolekcije. Prvotna ideja, vzdušje, je nastala ob ogledu biografske kriminalne triler serije “Narcos” (2015) avtorja in producenta Chrisa Brancata. Raziskava se naslanja na novodobne vojaške uniforme, fenomen tetoviranja kot način izkazovanja pripadnosti in modni stil, popularen med ženskami v osemdesetih letih, t. i. “power dressing”. V eksperimentalnem delu je predstavljen razvoj kolekcije, od izhodišča in inspiracije do implementacije idej z izborom materialov in barvne lestvice, uporabo ročnih tehnik, grafičnostjo kolekcije in predelavo obstoječih oblačil v končno manifestacijo rezultatov. Končna kolekcija je predstavljena s skicami in tehničnimi skicami, inspiracija pa preko avtorskih kolažev. Končni rezultat je avtorska kolekcija oblačil z imenom “Pablo”, ki se inspirira predvsem v izkazovanju oziroma dokazovanju moči v vojaški uniformi in njenih detajlih, videzu latinskoameriških gangsterjev in oblačenju žensk v osemdesetih, z namenom vzpostaviti položaj v poslovni družbi, ki je bil predvsem moški svet. Oblačila so namenjena moškim in ženskam, nagovarjajo posameznika, ki ne sledi normativom, ampak ceni in išče posamezne unikatne oz. maloserijske kose, jih po svoje kombinira in z njimi gradi svojo osebno zgodbo. The thesis describes the development and realisation of menswear and womenswear collection, including the method of recycling pre-existent clothing. The theoretical part researches the ideas, which together form the creative basis of previously mentioned collection. The original idea and atmosphere was created after watching biographical criminal thriller series “Narcos” (2015) created and produced by Chris Brancato. The research leans on contemporary military uniforms, the phenomena of tattooing and expression of belonging and the so called “power dressing” fashion style from the eighties. The experimental part deals with the development of the collection, from starting point and inspiration to implementing ideas through fabric selection, the usage of handwork and prints, in the final manifestation of results. The results are presented through sketches and technical drawings, while the inspiration is presented through own author collages. The end result is an author collection of clothing named “Pablo”, which mostly gathers its inspiration in the manifestation of power in military uniform and its details, the look of Latin American gangsters and women’s dressing in the eighties as a means of establishing position in a men’s business world. Clothes are designed for both men and women, they speak to the individual who does not follow normatives, but appreciates and looks for individual unique pieces, combines them together and in this way builds his or her own personal story. |