Trends and developments in air passenger rights

Autor: Korošec, Masha
Přispěvatelé: Lutman, Karmen
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Izbruh pandemije COVID-19 je izredno prizadel turizem in za določen čas onemogočil kakršnakoli potovanja. Ukrepi, ki so jih države sprejele za preprečitev širjenja bolezni, so vodili v odpovedi letov, zaradi katerih so potniki želeli povračilo stroškov letalskih vozovnic in odškodnino v skladu z Uredbo 261/2004 o pravilih glede odškodnine in pomoči v primerih zavrnitve vkrcanja, odpovedi ali velike zamude letov. Izziv, s katerim je bila Uredba soočena, je bil usklajevanje pravic potnikov z interesi letalskih prevoznikov, katerih finančna moč je z naraščanjem odškodninskih in drugih zahtevkov strmo padala. Naloga zajema splošni pregled trenutne ureditve in pri tem kritično naslovi njene pomanjkljivosti. Skozi analizo novejše sodne prakse je obravnavan tudi institut »izrednih okoliščin«, ki je v času pandemije postal jedro Uredbe. Njegov pomen izvira iz dejstva, da se lahko letalski prevoznik izogne plačilu odškodnine, če dokaže obstoj izrednih razmer. V tej luči naloga obravnava sodno prakso Sodišča Evropske unije, končni cilj raziskovalnega dela pa je odgovoriti na vprašanje, ali je Uredba zasnovana za obvladovanje razmer, v katerih se je znašla družba v zadnjih letih. The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has had a severe impact on the travel and tourism sector. Following major travel disruptions caused by unpredictable travel bans, many flights were cancelled and passengers are now seeking compensation and reimbursement of costs. Regulation (EC) No 261/2004, establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to passengers in the event of denied boarding and cancellation or long delay of flights was suddenly faced with a challenge to balance on one hand rights and interests of air passengers and the other, the interests of air carriers that were hit by liquidity problems. The thesis provides a general overview of the current provisions and comments on their deficiencies from a critical point of view. Through the analysis of the recent case law the concept of »extraordinary circumstances« is addressed as well. The latter is of particular importance in the present situation as only by proving such circumstances can the air carrier be released from the obligation to pay standard compensation to passengers. In the light of the foregoing, the master thesis examines the case law established by the Court of justice of the EU. The main objective of the research is to answer the question of whether the Regulation is designed to govern the rights of the passengers under such extreme conditions as society was introduced in recent years.
Databáze: OpenAIRE