Socialno delo v romski skupnosti, študija primera

Autor: Milavec, Ivana
Přispěvatelé: Dragoš, Srečo
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: V magistrskem delu želim prikazati soodvisnost okolja, skupnosti, v kateri otrok odrašča, s stopnjo odpornosti posameznika, ki jo ta pridobi v procesu navezovanja na pomembnega drugega v času odraščanja. Predstavljam primere dobre prakse na področju občine Kočevje, rojevanje medinstitucionalnega sodelovalnega odnosa s posameznikom in romsko skupnostjo ter proces psihosocialne pomoči v okviru storitve pomoč družini za dom, v katerem vodimo in krepimo vire moči posameznice in družine, da bi zmogla spremembo, ki bo omogočila znanje za ravnanje in bo sprejemala odločitve, ki jo bodo pripeljale k želenim izidom. Primeri dobre prakse socialnega dela v skupnosti pričajo o tem, da je podpora skupnosti ključnega pomena za ponovno pridobitev občutka varnosti in odpornosti, ki posamezniku omogočita vire moči za spremembo k želenim izidom, za zdrav telesni in duševni razvoj ter posledično za osebno rast. In my master's thesis I want to show the interdependence of the environment or the community in which a child is raised with the level of resistance of an individual which they acquire in the process of connecting to important persons while growing up. I present examples of good practice in the Municipality of Kočevje, the birth of inter-institutional cooperation with the individual and the Roma community, and the process of psychosocial assistance within the home help services in which we lead and strengthen the individual's sources of power so she would be able to endure the change which will enable her to gain knowledge to act and make decisions in favour of the desired outcome. The examples of good social work practice in the community show that community support is crucial for regaining a sense of safety and resistance. The support provides an individual with resources to change for the desired outcomes, for healthy physical and mental development and consequently for personal growth.
Databáze: OpenAIRE