Autor: Skenderija, Sara
Přispěvatelé: Kariž, Žiga
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: V diplomski nalogi problematiziram asociativen del senzorične zaznave pred kognitivnim. Za oznako tovrstne percepcije uvedem pojem mimetična perpleksija, ki ga najprej obravnavam skozi tri branja modalnosti lastnega dela. Izpostavim, da ima podoba v odnosu do subjekta sposobnost korelacijskega reformiranja, ob čemur opozorim na uporabo naključne poteze na primeru Rorschach testa. Uveden pojem utemeljim na primeru dveh Blechnerjevih fenomenov znotraj oniričnega prostora – kognitivna disonanca in interobjekt, ter na primeru zvočne produkcije skupine Death Grips, kjer izpostavim znakovno dekontekstualizacijo kot aparat za preigravanje percepcije. Na koncu se opredelim še do upodabljanja neznanega, kot enigme, ki je skozi prelahko estetizacijo pogosto marginalizirana. The diploma thesis problematizes the associative aspect of sensory perception over the cognitive one. The concept of mimetic perplexity is introduced to denote such perception this concept is initially discussed through three readings of the modality of my own work. I highlight that in its relation to the subject the image possesses the ability of correlative reformation, pointing out the use of a random stroke on the example of the Rorschach test. The introduced concept is substantiated on the example of two of Blechner's phenomena within the oneiric space – disjunctive cognition and the interobject, and on the example of the sound production of the Death Grips group, where I highlight the decontextualization of symbols as a device for tricking perception. In the end, I state my position on portraying the unknown as an enigma that is often marginalized through oversimplified aestheticization.
Databáze: OpenAIRE