Elementi Dantejevega Pekla v filmu Hiša, ki jo je zgradil Jack

Autor: Rajh, Manca
Přispěvatelé: Virk, Tomislav
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2021
Popis: Diplomsko delo obravnava primerjavo med delom Danteja Alighierija Pekel in filmom režiserja Larsa von Trierja Hiša, ki jo je zgradil Jack. Najprej sta predstavljeni življenji in opusa obeh avtorjev. Ker je eno izmed glavnih področij primerjave umetnost, se Danteja opredeli ne le kot pisatelja, ampak tudi kot umetnika v kontekstu njegovega časa. Temu sledi predstavitev njunih del in obnova. Opredeljena je tudi povezava med njima. Pri primerjavi se osredotočim na podobnosti in razlike med žanri, strukturo, temami, glavnimi in stranskimi liki ter scenografijo pekla. The thesis deals with a comparison between Dante Alighieri's Inferno and the film by Lars von Trier The House That Jack Built. The first part of the thesis presents the lives and works of both authors. Since one of the main areas of comparison is art, Dante is defined not only as a writer but also as an artist in the context of his time. This is followed by a presentation and summary of their work. The connection between them is also defined. In the comparison, I focus on the similarities and differences between genres, structure, themes, main and side characters, and the scenery of hell.
Databáze: OpenAIRE