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Enajsti september 2001 in kasneje napovedana globalna vojna proti terorizmu sta močno spremenili varnostno okolje v Afganistanu in Iraku, kar je v nadaljevanju rezultiralo v domačem islamističnem terorizmu, ki ga Evropa do takrat še ni izkusila. Ameriška zunanja politika se pod Bushevo taktirko spremeni v še večjega agresorja na mednarodnem prostoru. Destrukcija Srednjega in kasneje Bližnjega vzhoda je posledica slabega soočanja s problemom, kar nam je namesto rešitve ponudilo nova varnostna vprašanja in pomisleke, kakor tudi povečano teroristično ogroženost določenih evropskih držav. Primerjava dobrih praks v hladni vojni z metodami Busheve administracija nam ponuja vpogled v vrsto napak, ki so bile storjene in so rezultirale v propadlih oziroma šibkih državah. V obdobju hladne vojne se je zunanja politika ZDA počasi spreminjala od idejne zasnove pravične vojne in teorije zadrževanja Georga F. Kennana, ki ZSSR ni dojemal zgolj kot vojaško grožnjo, temveč kot ideološko-politično, do preventivne samoobrambne vojne, ki je po besedah predsednika Trumana orožje diktatorjev, ne pa svobodnih demokratičnih držav. Vojni v Afganistanu in Iraku sta odlična primera, kako s slabim in pomanjkljivim posredovanjem poslabšati varnostne razmere v tujini in doma. Namesto da bi tekmovali za prepričanje posameznikov v teh družbah, kot se je to zgodilo s povojno Evropo, smo s trdo močjo izgubili moralna tla v teh državah in na mednarodnem prostoru. September 11, 2001, and the subsequently announced Global War on Terrorism severely altered the security environment in Afghanistan and Iraq, which in turn resulted in domestic Islamist terrorism that Europe had not yet experienced. Under Bush's tutelage, American foreign policy has turned into an even greater aggressor in the international arena. The destruction of the Middle East and later the Middle East is the result of a poor approach to the problem, which instead of a solution has offered us new security issues and concerns, as well as an increased terrorist threat to certain European countries. Comparing good practices in the Cold War with the methods of the Bush administration offers us an insight into a series of mistakes that have been made and have resulted in failed or weak states. During the Cold War, US foreign policy slowly changed from the conceptual design of a just war and George F. Kennan's theory of detention, which the USSR perceived not only as a military threat but as an ideological-political one, to preventive self-defence war, which President Truman said was a weapon. dictators, not free democracies. The wars in Afghanistan and Iraq are excellent examples of how poor and deficient intervention can worsen the security situation abroad and at home. Instead of competing to convince individuals in these societies, as happened with post-war Europe, we have lost hard moral ground in these countries and internationally. |