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V diplomskem delu smo preučevali odnos lokalnega prebivalstva občine Grosuplje do investicij, izvedenih v obdobju 2011–2021, in sicer na treh prostorskih ravneh (občina, krajevna skupnost, naselje). Med prebivalci vseh naselij v občini smo izvedli e-anketo (N=421), investicije smo na terenu popisali, fotografirali in kartirali ter opravili intervju s predsednico krajevne skupnosti. Ugotovili smo, da se je v gospodarsko in prebivalstveno najbolj razvitem delu občine Grosuplje izvedlo več investicij kot v delih občine, ki so od središča najbolj oddaljeni. Na število, območje in področje izvedenih investicij vpliva več dejavnikov (oddaljenost od središča občine, prebivalstvena rast ter stanje in razvitost cestnega omrežja ipd.). Za lokalno prebivalstvo so najpomembnejše investicije na področju cestnega omrežja, saj lahko njegovo slabo stanje podeželski prostor »periferizira«. Na podlagi ugotovljenega je sledila tipizacija desetih krajevnih skupnosti na: 1. občinsko središče kot območje zgostitve investicij, 2. krajevne skupnosti s središčnimi dejavnostmi in pomembnejšimi investicijami, 3. obrobnost na lokalni ravni z vidika dostopnosti in manjšega števila investicij, 4. krajevne skupnosti med središčem in obrobjem z vidika dostopnosti in števila investicij. Konflikti, ki lahko nastanejo ob izvajanju investicij, se pogosteje pojavljajo v večjih krajevnih skupnostih. Obenem smo na ravni naselij predstavili področja, na katerih bi si lokalno prebivalstvo želelo investicij v prihodnje. In the bachelor thesis, we studied the attitude toward investments between 2011 and 2021 of the local residents of the Municipality of Grosuplje. We analyzed the investments at three spatial levels (municipality, local community, settlement). We conducted an e-survey among residents of all settlements in the municipality (N=421), listed, photographed and mapped the investments during the fieldwork as well as conducted an interview with a local community president. We found out that more investments were carried out in the most developed (economically and demographically) part of the Municipality of Grosuplje compared to the parts of the municipality that are farthest from the center. Various factors, such as the location or the distance from the municipality's center, population growth, existing condition and development of the road network, affect where, how much and in what fields investments will be executed. In the Municipality of Grosuplje, the local residents deem the road network investments as most important because the road network’s poor condition can lead towards the »peripheralization« of rural area. This was followed by the classification of ten local communities into: 1. municipal center as an investment concentration area, 2. local communities with central activities and more important investments, 3. marginality at the local level in terms of accessibility and a smaller number of investments, 4. local communities between the center and the margin in terms of accessibility and the number of investments. Our analysis confirmed that conflicts, that can occur when the investments are executed, appear more frequently in bigger local communities. At the same time we presented the fields in which the local population would like investments in the future (at the level of settlements). |