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V magistrskem delu smo raziskali doživljanje samorazkritja istospolne identitete petih udeleženk, ki so v istospolni partnerski zvezi več kot dve leti in imajo deloma ali popolnoma razkrito istospolno identiteto na področju službe, družine, ožjih prijateljev in na javnih mestih. Pri raziskavi smo uporabili kvalitativno fenomenološko psihološko metodo. Iz številnih raziskav o razkritju homoseksualnih oseb je razvidno, da se ob samorazkritju srečujejo z ovirami v družbenem, družinskem in socialnem okolju, kot so heteronormativnost, homofobija, diskriminacija in sprejetje istospolne identitete. Iz raziskav ni razvidno, kaj zares povzroči in določa spolno identiteto. Omeniti je potrebno, da ni prav, da se homoseksualnost, lezbištvo, biseksualnost oz. vse oblike LGBTQ+ zreducira glede na spolni akt, saj imajo te osebe svojski način umetnosti, duhovnosti, religioznosti, dojemanja sveta in odnosov ter pogled na svet. Zaslediti je bilo, da so udeleženke pred delnim ali popolnim razkritjem iz vsaj enega izmed področij (služba, družina, ožji prijatelji, javni kraji) doživljale nelagodje, ki so ga doživljale različno, kot strah, krivdo, dvom ali nerodnost. Udeleženke so lahko doživljale strah pred homofobijo in homofobnim nasiljem na treh različnih področjih pred razkritjem na delovnem mestu, pred razkritjem družini in pred razkritjem na ulici. Udeleženke so prav tako lahko doživljaje pričakovano heteronormativnost oz. heteronormativno normo, ki jo doživljajo na različnih področjih na ulici, pred družino, pred novimi znanci, na delovnem mestu. Zaslediti je bilo, da si udeleženke lahko izberejo situacijsko selekcijo, ko se srečajo z negativnim odzivom in potencialno grožnjo ob samorazkritju. Takrat se raje spustijo za roke in prenehajo z izkazovanjem kakršne koli intime. Udeleženke lahko v ožjem družinskem krogu in na ulici ne izkazujejo svoje intimnosti, kot bi jo drugače. Pri negativnem odzivu na samorazkritje na ulici lahko doživljajo občutje jeze in stopnjujejo svojo stopnjo samorazkrivanja. Zaslediti je bilo tudi, da so bile udeleženke lahko, če ne takoj, postopoma deležne tudi pozitivnega odziva pri razkritju na ulici, delovnem mestu, pred prijatelji in družino. Pri tistih, kjer je bilo sprejetje doseženo takoj, se lahko zgodi, da takoj doživljajo občutek veselja, pri ostalih, kjer se je sprejetje zgodilo kasneje, pa se lahko zgodi, da občutek veselja doživljajo takrat. Pri tem gre poudariti, da izsledkov raziskave ne gre posploševati na populacijo, saj se gre za individualno doživljanje udeleženk, ki živi vsaka svoje življenje. In the master's thesis, we explored the experience of self-disclosure of the same-sex identity of five female participants who have been in a same-sex partnership for more than two years and have partially or completely revealed same-sex identity at work, family, close friends and public places. A qualitative phenomenological psychological method was used in the research. Numerous studies on the disclosure of homosexuals show that in self-disclosure they face barriers in the social, family and social environment, such as heteronormativity, homophobia, discrimination and acceptance of same-sex identity. Research does not show what really causes and determines gender identity. It is not right that homosexuality, lesbianism, bisexuality, all forms of LGBTQ+ are reduced according to sexual intercourse, as these persons have their own way of art, spirituality, religiosity, perception of the world and relationships as well worldview. Prior to partial or complete disclosure from at least one of the areas (work, family, close friends, public places), participants can experience discomfort which they can experienced differently, such as fear, guilt, doubt, or awkwardness. Participants can experience fears of homophobia and homophobic violence in three different areas before disclosure in the workplace, before disclosure to the family, and before disclosure on the street. Participants can also experience the expected heteronormativity or the heteronormative norm which they can experience in different areas on the street, in front of family, in front of new acquaintances, at work. Participants can choose situational selection when they are faced with a negative response and a potential threat upon their self-disclosure. They can also prefer to stop holding hands and stop showing any intimacy. Participants can also choose not to show their intimacy in the immediate family circle and on the street as they would otherwise. Participants can, in a situation of negative response to self-disclosure on the street, experience a feeling of anger and can escalate their level of self-disclosure. It was also observed that participants, if not immediately, can gradually receive a positive response in the disclosure on the street, at work, in front of friends and family. In those where acceptance was achieved immediately, can happen they immediately experience a sense of joy, while with others, where acceptance occurs later, can happen they experience a sense of joy when accepted. It should be emphasized that 82 the results of the research should not be generalized to the population, as it is an individual experience of the participants, who each lives her own life. |