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Športno pravo predstavlja zelo širok korpus pravil. Raven avtonomije, ki velja na področju športnega prava je odvisna od področja, ki se obravnava. Največjo avtonomijo uživa športno pravo pri urejanju pravil, ki so pomembna za potek same športne igre oziroma tekme. Športni sodniki igrajo tu pomembno vlogo, saj skrbijo za to, da se tekma tudi zares odvija po teh predpisih. Da lahko sodniki čim bolj kvalitetno sodijo, uživajo pri tem visoko stopnjo avtonomije, ki se manifestira preko tako imenovane »field of play« doktrine, ki omejuje možnost presoje odločitev športnih sodnikov, sprejetih med tekmo. Presoja tovrstnih odločitev je možno samo v nekaterih primerih, na splošno pa je pravno varstvo na tem področju zelo omejeno. Na prvi pogled se zato morda zdi, da takšna omejitev predstavlja s pravnega vidika kršitev temeljnih pravnih načel, med katere spada tudi vladavina prava, vendar ni tako. Načelo vladavine prava predstavlja del korpusa pravil športnega prava, tako kot tudi številna druga načela. Ožanje možnosti izpodbijanja sodniških odločitev zato ne predstavlja kršitve načela vladavine prava. Ob natančnejši analizi se ugotovi, da se s tem šele omogoča vzpostavitev načela vladavine prava. Zato je takšna omejitev pravzaprav nujen pogoj, ki omogoča najboljši približek »poštene tekme«. Sodniki so strokovnjaki in so zato najboljši garant športnikom, da bo tekma potekala v »poštenem športnem duhu«. Kljub vsemu, pa bi bilo mogoče nabor razlogov, zaradi katerih je presoja sodniških odločitev možna, nekoliko razširiti in tako omogočiti bolj fleksibilno obravnavo nekaterih posameznih primerov. S tem bi še vedno ravnali v skladu z načelom vladavine prava, hkrati pa bi bilo športnikom in vsem, ki so bili zaradi tega oškodovani, omogočeno čim bolj kvalitetno pravno varstvo. Sports law consists of very broad set of rules. The level of autonomy in force in the field of sports law depends on the area under consideration. Sports law enjoys the greatest autonomy in regulating the rules that are important for the course of the sports game or the match itself. Sports referees play an important role here, because they make sure that the match really takes place according to these regulations. In order for the referees to judge as well as possible, they enjoy a high degree of autonomy, which is manifested through the so-called "field of play" doctrine, which limits the possibility of challenging the decisions of sports referees made during a match. Challenging such decisions is only possible in some cases, but in general, legal protection in this area is very limited. At first sight, such a restriction may, from a legal point of view, appear as a breach of fundamental legal principles, which include the rule of law, but that is not the case. The rule of law principle is part of the corpus of sports law rules, as are many other principles. Narrowing the possibility of challenging judicial decisions therefore does not constitute a breach of the rule of law. Upon closer analysis, it is determined that this only enables the establishment of the principle of the rule of law. Therefore, such a restriction is actually a necessary condition that enables the best approximation of a "fair match". The referees are experts and are therefore the best guarantor for the athletes that the match will be carried out in a "fair sporting spirit". Nevertheless, the range of reasons for the assessment of judicial decisions could be somewhat expanded to allow for more flexible handling of certain individual cases. This would still be in accordance with the principle of the rule of law, and would at the same time provide athletes and all those who have been harmed with the highest possible legal protection. |