Popis: |
Namen diplome je bil popisati naravni kamen, ki ga je arhitekt Jože Plečnik uporabil v Rimskem zidu, Križankah in Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici. Popisani so bili teksturne in strukturne karakteristike kamnin in prisotni fosili. Pri dokumentaciji kamnin sta bili uporabljeni tehniki večslikovne fotogrametrije in terestričnega laserskega skeniranja, s katerimi sta bila izdelana dva 3D modela Plečnikovih objektov, dela Rimskega zidu in velikega stopnišča v Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnjici. V Rimskem zidu je največ karbonsko-permskega peščenjaka in konglomerata. V kamninah so prisotne predvsem različne teksture preperevanja, ki so posledica intenzivnega atmosferskega vpliva. Zaradi le-tega se v kamninah slabše vidijo originalne teksture in fosili. Veliko je tekstur preperevanja, kot so vzporedno in obročasto preperevanje ter luskanje magmatskih kamnin. Za Križanke je značilna velika raznovrstnost naravnega kamna, vendar v obzidju zopet dominirata karbonsko-permski peščenjak in konglomerat. Pridružujejo se jima še flišni peščenjak, bocenski porfir in lehnjak. V notranjosti lahko najdemo tudi rudistne apnence. V Narodni in univerzitetni knjižnici prevladuje podpeški apnenec s svojo raznovrstno fosilno združbo. Poleg le-tega najdemo tudi črni lesnobrdski in hotaveljski apnenec. Nekaj je tudi marmorja, ki ga ni moč najti v nobenem drugem objektu. The aim of my thesis is to create a list of structural and textural characteristics, and fossil content in the natural stone that Jože Plečnik used in Roman wall, Križanke and National and University Library. With the use of photogrammetry and TLS we made two different 3D models. Both techniques are credible, and comparable. The only problem occurred because of the lightning in NUK. The used stone is polished and the light reflects from the surface are affecting the quality of the 3D image. This is an obvious flaw, which for now, cannot be successfuly removed from the 3D model. In Roman wall, the most frequently used stones are Carboniferous-Permian sandstone and conglomerate. In the stones, we can find many different structures/signs of weathering that were caused by atmospheric influences. Because of this, the fossils and other structures in the stones are not visible. We can find parallel and orbicular structures of weathering, as well as the flaking of magmatic rocks. The dominant rocks in Križanke are also Carboniferous-Permian sandstone and conglomerate. Besides them, we can also find flysch sandstone, bolzano porphyry and tufa. In the interior of Križake, there is also rudist limestone. In NUK, we mostly found Podpeč limestone with its diverse fossile fauna, black Lesno Brdo limestone and Hotavlje limestone. There is also marble, which can only be found in NUK. |