Přispěvatelé: Pevcin, Primož
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Izobraževanje v zgodnjem otroštvu je koristno za otroka in njegov nadaljnji razvoj, zato je pomembno, da otroku zagotovimo možnost za vključitev v predšolsko vzgojo. Vlaganje v predšolsko vzgojo in varstvo je najboljša naložba za otroke in njihovo prihodnost, vendar zahteva veliko javnih in zasebnih virov financiranja. Pokrivanje stroškov predšolske vzgoje je lahko velika težava za starše, zato bom v diplomski nalogi preverjala možnosti uvedbe alternativnih virov financiranja predšolske vzgoje, ki bi razbremenili starše. Osnovne pojme in značilnosti predšolske vzgoje pri nas sem opisala z metodo deskripcije, s komparativno metodo pa sem jo primerjala s predšolsko vzgojo v izbranih evropskih državah. Z metodo deskripcije sem predstavila alternativne vire in z metodo analize ugotavljala možnost uvedbe pri nas. Z metodo kompilacije sem prikazala ugotovitve. Ugotovitve so pokazale, da je v Sloveniji predšolska vzgoja dobro urejena, vendar je glede na primerjane države med dražjimi. Prav tako imajo otroci v vsaki državi zagotovljen vsaj del brezplačne predšolske vzgoje, medtem ko je ta v Sloveniji le sofinancirana. Analiza je pokazala, da obstaja možnost za uvedbo alternativnih virov financiranja. Državo bi najbolj finančno obremenila brezplačna predšolska vzgoja za obe starostni skupini, in nekoliko manj, če bi financirala le predšolsko vzgojo za starejšo starostno skupino otrok. V primeru sofinanciranja zasebnih vrtcev iz javnih sredstev pa bi se stroški predšolske vzgoje porazdelili med občino in državo. Občina bi še vedno sofinancirala javne vrtce, medtem ko bi država prevzela sofinanciranje zasebnih vrtcev. Predšolska vzgoja je pomemben del izobraževanja, zato mora država poskrbeti, da bo dostopna vsem otrokom. Vse nadaljnje šolanje otrok je brezplačno, medtem ko starši pokrivajo večino stroškov cene programa v vrtcih. Poiskati je treba primeren način za financiranje predšolske vzgoje s strani države, da bi razbremenili starše in povečali vpis otrok v vrtce. Izpostavila sem tri alternativne načine, ki bi lahko prispevali k boljši dostopnosti in večji vključitvi otrok. Education in early childhood is useful for a child and its development, therefore it is very important to give children the possibility of a preschool education. Investing in preschool education and childcare is the best investment for children and their future, but it also takes a lot of public and private sources of financing. Covering the costs of preschool education can present a big problem for parents, therefore in this thesis I will be researching the possibilities of introducing alternative sources of financing preschool education that would help parents. For describing basic concepts and features of preschool education in Slovenia I have used a method of description and the comparative method to compare preschool education in Slovenia with preschool education in other European countries. Using the descriptive method I have presented alternative sources and analysis method to determine the possibility of introducing this very method in Slovenia. With the method of compilation I have presented the results. Results have shown that in Slovenia preschool education is well organized, but in comparison to other countries more expensive. Furthermore, in other countries at least a part of preschool education is free of cost, meanwhile in Slovenia it is only co-financed. Analysis has shown there exists a possibility of introducing alternative sources of financing. It would be a big financial burden for the state to finance preschool for both age groups, if it would finance just the older group the financial burden would be smaller. In the case of co-financing private kindergartens with public funds, the financial burden would be divided between the state and the municipalities. Municipalities would still finance public kindergartens, while the state would finance private kindergartens. Preschool education is an important part of the education process, that is why the state should make it available to all children. Further education is free, while the parents are covering most of the cost of preschool education. The state should find an appropriate way of financing preschool in order to increase involvment of children and take the financial burden from parents. I have focused on three alternative ways that could contribute to better accessibility and better involvement of children.
Databáze: OpenAIRE