Marketing communication challenges for banks in the context of business change in COVID-19

Autor: Kirn, Kaja
Přispěvatelé: Kamin, Tanja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Že prej prisotna digitalizacija storitev je v času epidemije Covid-19 dobila še dodaten pospešek. A še vedno veliko štejejo tudi človeški stik in poslovalnice. Če so želele banke ohraniti status odlične učinkovite in koristne storitve za stranke, so se morale na korona krizo odzvati izjemno hitro. Cilj diplomske naloge je raziskati, kako so se v tržno komunikacijskih oddelkih izbranih slovenskih bank odzvali na spremembe poslovanja zaradi omejitev gibanja in združevanja, ki jih je prinesel Covid-19, in s kakšnimi izzivi so se pri tem soočili. Med raziskavo sem naredila štiri polstrukturirane intervjuje s predstavniki slovenskih bank. Zaključni del zajema deskriptivno analizo in ključne ugotovitve iz pridobljenih podatkov. Digitalizacija storitev, poslovnih procesov in distribucijskih poti se ne zgodi v nekaj dnevih ali tednih, zato so slovenske banke v začetku epidemije intenzivno komunicirale in ozaveščale svoje stranke o rešitvah, ki že obstajajo. Poudarek je bil na komuniciranju digitalnih storitev, ki preprečujejo fizični stik z drugo osebo. Zelo pomemben kanal v epidemiji je postal video klic, saj omogoča identifikacijo stranke na daljavo. The digitalisation of services, which was already taking place, has been further accelerated during the Covid-19 epidemic. But human contact and branches still count for a lot. To maintain their status as an excellent, efficient and useful service for their customers, banks had to react extremely quickly to the coronary crisis. The aim of the thesis is to investigate how the marketing communication departments of selected Slovenian banks have responded to the changes in their business operations due to the restrictions on movement and mergers brought about by Covid-19 and what challenges they have faced in doing so. During the research, I conducted four semi-structured interviews with representatives of Slovenian banks. The final part includes a descriptive analysis and key findings from the data. Digitisation of services, business processes and distribution channels does not happen in a matter of days or weeks, which is why Slovenian banks communicated intensively at the beginning of the epidemic and made their customers aware of the solutions that already existed. The focus was on communicating digital services that prevent physical contact with another person. Video calling has become a very important channel in the epidemic, as it allows remote identification of the customer.
Databáze: OpenAIRE