Doživljanje materinstva pri materah otrok s cerebralno paralizo

Autor: Vidmar, Anamarija
Přispěvatelé: Simonič, Barbara
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: V pričujočem magistrskem delu avtorica preučuje doživljanje materinstva pri materah otrok s cerebralno paralizo. Delo najprej predstavi značilnosti in informacije o sami bolezni, kar pripomore k boljšemu razumevanju cerebralne paralize. V nadaljevanju se avtorica dotakne tudi sprememb v družinski strukturi, ki jo prinese otrokova diagnoza, prav tako pa tudi kvalitete življenja teh otrok ter kvalitete življenja mater, ki v večini primerov prevzamejo celotno skrb. Sledi predstavitev čustvenih procesov in doživljanja pri sprejemanju, soočanju z javnostjo, predvsem pa srečanje s čustvi sramu in krivde, s katerimi se soočajo matere otrok, ko dobijo otroka s cerebralno paralizo. V empiričnem delu je avtorica raziskovala doživljanje materinstva pri materah otrok s cerebralno paralizo. Uporabljena je bila fenomenološka metoda. Podatki so bili pridobljeni s pomočjo polstrukturiranih intervjujev s petimi materami otrok s cerebralno paralizo. Rezultati kažejo, da se matere soočajo z negativnimi občutji ob rojstvu otroka s cerebralno paralizo. Poleg tega, da potrebujejo čas, da sprejmejo diagnozo, se soočajo tudi z občutji sramu in krivde. Bolj kot s stisko in sramom v javnosti se soočajo z občutji krivde glede otrokovega stanja. Rezultati magistrskega dela so lahko v pomoč vsem materam, ki se soočajo z negativnimi čustvenimi procesi ob rojstvu otroka s CP, prav tako pa strokovni javnosti pri oblikovanju primernih oblik podpore in pomoči materam teh otrok. In this master’s thesis, the author examines the experience of motherhood in mothers of children with cerebral palsy. The thesis first introduces the characteristics and information regarding the disease itself, which helps form a better understanding of cerebral palsy. In the continuation, the author touches upon the changes in the family structure brought upon by the child’s diagnosis. Furthermore, it researches the quality of life of children with cerebral palsy and the quality of life of mothers, who in the majority of cases take over the entire care. This is followed by the introduction of the emotional processes and experiences in acceptance, facing the public, and above all, feelings of shame and guilt, which mothers experience when having a child with cerebral palsy. In the empirical part of the thesis, the author researches the experience of motherhood in mothers with children with cerebral palsy. The author uses the phenomenological method. Semi-structured interviews conducted with five mothers of children with cerebral palsy helped with the data acquisition. The research shows that mothers have negative emotions upon the birth of a child with cerebral palsy. In addition to requiring the time to accept the diagnosis, they also experience feelings of shame and guilt. The guilt over a child’s condition is more prevalent than distress and shame in the eyes of the public. The results of the master’s thesis can be beneficial to all mothers overcoming negative emotional processes at the birth of a child with cerebral palsy. What is more, it can be helpful to the expert community, enabling the development of appropriate forms of support and assistance to mothers of the children in question.
Databáze: OpenAIRE