Aplikacija orodij vitke proizvodnje za optimizacijo porabe toplotne energije

Autor: Valič, Tjaša
Přispěvatelé: Kosec, Borut
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Zaradi velike konkurence in hitrega tehnološkega razvoja se podjetja vse bolj trudijo za obstoj na trgu. Svojo konkurenčnost lahko podjetja zagotavljajo le s proizvodnjo kakovostnih proizvodov v predvidenih časih in po konkurenčni ceni. Navedeno lahko dosežejo zgolj z optimiziranim proizvodnim procesom. Zaradi pritiskov zakonodaje in naraščajočih cen energentov se podjetja trudijo zmanjševati tudi porabo energije in energentov. Trudijo se zmanjševati stroške in ostati v skladu z zakonodajo tako, da kupujejo in svoje operacije izvajajo na energetsko varčnejših strojih in napravah ter, da preučujejo metode za omejitev stroškov proizvodnje izdelkov. Eden izmed načinov za zmanjševanje operativnih stroškov, zagotavljanje boljših proizvodov, izboljšanje delovnih pogojev ter optimizacijo porabe energentov, je uporaba metod vitke proizvodnje. V magistrski nalogi sta podrobneje opisana dva obširnejša programa vitke proizvodnje TPM (angl. Total Productive Maintenance) in Six Sigma. V deli so podrobno opredeljena posamezna orodja, ki jih metodi uporabljata za realizacijo ciljev, kot so Kanban, 5S in Poka Yoke. Uporaba navednih orodij je v magistrskem delu prikazana na praktičnem primeru optimizacije porabe toplotne energije v izbranem podjetju, kjer je podrobneje prikazana tudi analiza izgub ter praktična uporaba orodij vitke proizvodnje. Ob tem je bilo ugotovljeno, da se orodja posamezne metodologije tudi prepletajo in da jih je moč prilagoditi tudi glede na ugotovitve in potrebe podjetja. Due to a large competition and quick technological development competitiveness among companies on the market is increased. Companies can ensure their existence on the market with the production of quality products in foreseen times and for a competitive price. They can achieve this only with an optimized production process. Companies also try to reduce energy usage due to legislation pressures and increasing prices of energy products. Companies try to reduce costs and to stay in accordance with legislation, therefore, they are purchasing machines with higher energetic efficiency on which they carry the production. They are also looking into methods for minimizing the costs of product production. One of the manners to reduce the operating costs, enable higher quality products, improve working conditions, and optimize the consumption of energy sources is to use lean production principles In this master's thesis it is described more in detail two wider approaches of lean production TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) and Six Sigma. In the master’s thesis it islso defined some concepts that those approaches apply to achieve the objectives, e.g. Kanban, 5S, and Poka-Yoke. The use of these tools is presented in the master's part on the practical example of optimizing the use of heat energy in a selected company, where the analysis of losses and the practical use of lean production tools are also presented in greater detail. We can conclude that the tools of the individual methodology are intertwined and can also be adapted according to the company's findings and needs.
Databáze: OpenAIRE