Zasnova načrta za zasebno gozdno posest glede na pričakovanja lastnikov

Autor: Noč, Tina
Přispěvatelé: Bončina, Andrej
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Popis: Načrt za zasebno gozdno posest je pripomoček, ki je namenjen lastnikom gozdov pri gospodarjenju. Namen naloge je ugotoviti, kakšen načrt (obseg, oblika in vsebina) se zdi najbolj uporaben lastnikom. Želje lastnikov smo ugotavljali z 18 lastniki po delfi metodi v dveh krogih. V prvem krogu smo z vprašalniki izvedeli, katere vsebine si lastniki želijo v načrtu in v kakšnem obsegu naj bi le-te bile. Upoštevajoč rezultate vprašalnikov smo pripravili tri vzorčne načrte in v drugem krogu z lastniki presojali, kako dobro smo z načrti zadostili njihovim pričakovanjem. Lastniki nimajo enotnih stališč glede vsebine, obsega in oblike prikazov informacij. Vsebine, ki so nujen del vsakega načrta, so: gojitveni načrt, odprtost gozda in možnost gradnje novih prometnic, ekonomska presoja, kartni del, informacije o lokaciji posesti, natančnih mejah parcel in njihovih velikostih, stanju sestojev, omejitvah pri gospodarjenju, primernih drevesnih vrstah na rastišču, lesni zalogi in prirastku. Glede ostalih vsebin so lastniki neenotni. Neenotni so tudi glede vprašanja, ali je ustreznejši način prikazovanja vsebin s slikovnim prikazom, preglednicami ali opisno. Načrt mora biti kratek, a detajlen. Biti mora zapisan in natisnjen, del lastnikov bi ga želel tudi v elektronski obliki. Mnenja glede načrta so preveč neenotna, da bi lahko zasnovali takšnega, ki bi ustrezal vsem lastnikom. Private forest property plan serves to forest owners as a tool in management. The purpose of the project is to determine what should be the extent, form and content, taking into account the wishes of the owners. These were determined by 18 owners in two rounds with the delphi method. In the first round we used the questionnaires to find out what content forest owners want to have in the plan and to what extent. Considering the results, we have prepared three sample plans for one property, and in the second round we assessed with owners how well those plans meet their expectations. Different owners do not have the same view on the content, extent and form of displaying the information. The contents, which are a necessary part of every plan, are silvicultural plan, forest openness and the possibility of building new forest traffic ways, economic assessment, the map works, the information of the location of the forest property, accurate parcel borders and their sizes, the state of the stands, the restrictions at management, on the appropriate tree species on the site, on the growing stock and increment. As regards to the other content owners are not unanimous. They also have mixed feelings on the issue of whether the most appropriate way of displaying content is an image display, spreadsheets or a written form. The plan must be short, but detailed. It must be in a written form, for some of the owners in combination with the electronic form. Opinions on the plan are too diverse for one plan to be suitable for all owners.
Databáze: OpenAIRE