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Namen diplomskega dela je predstaviti dejansko stanje v občini Ljubno na področju kulture, mladine, turizma in športa z vidika prebivalca občine. Predvidevali smo, da bi lahko na teh področjih še veliko izkoristili in da bi prav k temu pripomogla ustanovitev javnega zavoda, ki bi pokrival omenjena področja. Predpostavljali smo, da je na področjih kulture, mladine, turizma in športa premalo aktivnosti v smeri trženja in da to pogrešajo tudi prebivalci občine. Na območju občine je veliko kulturnih znamenitosti, turistično interesantnih točk in veliko športne infrastrukture, katere je še možno bolje izkoristiti in izvajati neko celostno ponudbo, ki bi vsa področja povezala med sabo. Raziskovalni del naloge zajema anketo, ki je bila opravljena na področju občine Ljubno. Ciljna skupina so tako občani kot neposredno sodelujoči v skupinah na področjih kulture, mladine, turizma in športa. Tako smo ciljno skupino iskali na točkah v občini, kot so nogometno igrišče, kulturna dvorana in telovadnica. S tem smo nabrali širok nabor različnih anketirancev in smo lahko analizirali rezultate z vidika občanov ter neposrednih uporabnikov. Ugotavljali smo, ali je ustanovitev javnega zavoda zaželena tako na strani občanov kot neposrednih članov društev iz omenjenih področij. Z analizo ankete smo ugotovili, da je splošno med občani ustanovitev javnega zavoda zaželena in da večina vseh anketirancev meni, da bi ustanovitev javnega zavoda pozitivno vplivala na delovanje občine in posledično tudi na občane. Ugotovitve so v pomoč občini pri ustanavljanju zavoda. Pri pisanju diplomskega dela smo v tesnem sodelovanju skupaj analizirali rezultate ankete, kar je občini v veliko pomoč. S tem je občina dobila vpogled v mišljenje občanov in neposrednih uporabnikov, mi smo se pa prepričali, da ustanovitev javnega zavoda ne bo naletela na negativen odziv pri občanih. The aim of the paper is to present the current situation in the field of culture, young people, tourism and sport from the point of view of inhabitants of the municipality of Ljubno. We assumed that they could benefit more from these fields and that the establishment of a public institution, which would deal with the fields mentioned, would contribute to that. We also presupposed that there are too few marketing activities in the field of culture, young people, tourism and sport, which is also felt by the inhabitants of the municipality. Across the municipality, there are many cultural sites, tourist sites and sports infrastructure, from which people could benefit more furthermore, the offer should be comprehensive and connect the fields to one another. The empirical part of the paper includes a survey that was conducted in the municipality of Ljubno. The target group consisted of the citizens as well as the people who directly participate in groups in the field of culture, young people, tourism and sport. The target group was sought on different spots across the municipality, such as the football field, the cultural centre and the gym. In doing so, we collected a wide range of different interviewees so we could analyse the results from the point of view of the citizens and the direct participants in the societies in the before-mentioned fields. We were trying to determine whether the establishment of a public institution is desired from both the citizens and the direct participants. The analysis of the survey showed that the establishment of a public institution is generally desirable and that most of the interviewees believe it would positively affect the functioning of the municipality and, consequently, the citizens themselves. These findings help the municipality in establishing the institution. In writing the paper, we closely cooperated and analysed the results of the survey together. The municipality thus gained an insight into what the citizens and the direct users think. We also made sure that the establishment of a public institution will not be negatively accepted by the citizens. |