Dopolnitev in razvoj lesenega črkovnega nabora in izdelava tiskovin v tehniki visokega tiska

Autor: Ocvirk, Tina
Přispěvatelé: Pušnik, Nace
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Visoki tisk je ena od tehnik konvencionalnega tiska, kjer tiskarsko barvo nanesemo na tiskovno formo z dvignjenim reliefom. Glavni panogi visokega tiska sta knjigotisk in fleksotisk. Za tehniko knjigotiska, ki smo jo uporabili tudi v diplomskem delu, so tiskovne forme stavljene iz premičnih svinčenih ali lesenih črk. Zaradi pritiska, ki ga ustvarimo s tiskarsko prešo, se obarvane površine odtisnejo na tiskovni material. Ob koncu 20. stoletja je visoki tisk zaradi modernizacije in drugih tiskarskih tehnik doživel velik zaton. Zaradi dodatne estetske vrednosti in uporabljenega dolgotrajnega, tradicionalnega postopka se ta tehnika tiska vrača na trg in nudi kakovostne rezultate. Le-ti dodajo piko na i pri ustvarjanju umetniških in komercialnih tiskovin. Namen diplomske naloge je bil dopolniti nabor lesenih črk, ki ga v studiu tipoRenesansa uporabljajo za visoki tisk. Analiza značilnosti obstoječih črk nam je omogočila oblikovanje in izdelavo manjkajočih črk, te pa smo nato uporabili pri izdelavi tiskovin. Vzporedno s tem je potekala tudi digitalizacija pisave antonija. Diplomsko delo je nastajalo s pomočjo programske opreme Glyphs, FontLab Studio 5, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator in Microsoft Office Word. V praktičnem delu smo za rezkanje črk uporabili program za računalniško podprto načrtovanje, računalniško voden obdelovalni stroj CNC in tiskarsko prešo. Nabor smo dopolnili s sedmimi na novo izrezanimi črkami, kateremu bo zaradi predhodne digitalizacije abecede mogoče dodati nove. V tehniki visokega tiska smo izdelali tudi serijo treh tiskovin, kjer smo za grafične elemente uporabili svinčene in lesene črke. Letterpress (relief) printing is one of the conventional printing techniques, a process by which the printing ink is added directly on the printing form with raised printing surfaces. The main industries of letterpress are traditional letterpress and flexography. The printing form used in this diploma thesis consists of a combination of wooden or lead letters. Due to the pressure caused by the printing press, the raised surfaces transfer the ink onto the printing material. Modernisation and other printing processes that emerged at the end of the twentieth century resulted in decreased use of letterpress however, in recent years, it has returned. Because of the extra aesthetic value and the usage of this long lasting, traditional process, this printing technique adds and offers the final touch, when creating artistic or commercial prints. The purpose of this diploma thesis was to add and develop a set of wooden letters, used for letterpress printing in the studio tipoRenesansa. The analysis of characteristics of the existing letters enabled design and production of the missing letters, which were then used for printing. Simultaneously, digitalisation of the font antonija was in progress. The thesis was created using Glyphs, FontLab Studio 5, Adobe InDesign, Adobe Illustrator and Microsoft Office Word. The practical side of the project involved milling the letters, for which we used a computer–assisted design program, a computer-controlled CNC machine and a printing press machine. We completed the set with the seven newly end-cut letters, to which we will be able to add new ones because of the prior digitalisation of the alphabet. We also produced a series of three prints printed in the same letterpress technique.
Databáze: OpenAIRE