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Filozofija je svoja razmišljanje že od nekdaj gradila ob soočenju s pesništvom. Tudi nemški filozof Martin Heidegger je poglavitne vzpodbude dobil ob premisleku pesništva, pri čemer je imelo odlikovano mesto soočenje s pesniško besedo romantičnega pesnika Friedricha Hölderlina. V diplomskem delu sem skušal ob analizi Heideggerjevih Razjasnjenj ob Hölderlinovem pesništvu pokazati, na kakšen način je v njegovi misli razumljeno bistvo pesništva. Ob tem se je pokazalo, da je treba za dojetje tega opredeliti tudi fenomene govora, govorice in umetnosti, saj so neločljivo povezani s premislekom pesništva. Zato sem ob analizi Biti in časa skušal pokazati, kako je fenomen govora razumljen pri zgodnjem Heideggerju, ob interpretaciji spisov iz knjige Na poti do govorice pa pokazati razumevanje fenomena govorice po Heideggerjevem miselnem obratu. Fenomen govora je zato postavljen v strukturo tubiti kot biti-v-svetu, medtem ko je govorica umeščena v mišljenje resnice biti kot alétheie (neskritosti). Pri tem se je pokazalo, da je bistvo govorice besedno upovedovanje. Obenem je tudi poezija oziroma pesniško snovanje pri Heideggerju razumljeno v smislu razkrivanja bivajočega v njegovi biti. Pokazalo se je, da je bistvo pesništva pri njem dojeto kot ustanavljajoče upovedovanje biti bivajočega. To bistvo pa omogoča tako prebivanje človeka v igri sveta kot tudi dogajanje biti v dogodju. Philosophy has always developed its thought through confrontation with poetry. Similarly, German philosopher Martin Heidegger's main imputes towards thinking of Being came from reflections on poetry, among which an eminent position was held by confrontation with the poetry of Romantic poet Friedrich Hölderlin. Through analysis of Heidegger's Elucidations of Hölderlin's Poetry, this thesis aims to demonstrate his thought on the essence of poetry. It becomes evident that, in order to comprehend it, the phenomena of speech, language and art need to be defined because they are interwoven with reflection on poetry. Through analysis of Being and Time, I therefore attempted to show how the phenomenon of speech is understood by the early Heidegger and to show, based on interpretation of the essays from On the Way to Language, his understanding of the phenomenon of language after the Turn. The phenomenon of speech is therefore set into the structure of Dasein as btheing-in-the-world, whereas language is included into thinking of truth as alétheie (unconcealment). Evidently, the essence of language is the articulation of words. Meanwhile, poetry or poetic composing is understood by Heidegger in the sense of disclosure of beings in their Being. Indicatively, the essence of poetry is perceived to be the founding articulation of Being. This essence enables the dwelling of a human being in world-game as well as the happening of Being in the Event. |