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V pričujočem diplomskem delu ugotavljamo, ali je moderna znanost, spoznanoslovno gledano, resnično to, za kar se (jo) ima v današnjem času. Kot glavni problem se orisuje to, da je zgolj kopija (Husserl to imenuje substrukcija, »prizidek«) predznanstvenega sveta – sveta življenja – medtem ko se daje kakor resnični svet. Zmožna govoriti zgolj o hladnih objektivnih faktih, se daje kot edina relevantna nosilka kriterija resničnosti in veljavnosti za vse stvari sploh, kar vodi v izgubo sveta in posledično nihilizem. Za pregled razmisleka o nakazanem problemu si bomo pogledali uvide dveh mislecev, Nietzscheja in Husserla. Pri Nietzscheju bomo govorili o nihilizmu in postavitvi umetnosti nasproti znanosti kot momentu kreacije resnice, pri Husserlu pa vpogled v izvor filozofije, kako se je iz nje razvila moderna znanost, kako to pelje v krizo in njegov poskus vzpostavitve stroge znanosti. The bachelor thesis aims to establish whether modern science is gnosologically truly what it nowadays believes itself to be, and is believed to be. Examined as the key problem is science as a mere copy (Husserl calls this substruction, an "annex") of the protoscientific world - the lifeworld - while it presents itself as the real world. Capable of speaking only of cold objective facts, it presents itself as the sole relevant bearer of the criterion of reality and validity for all things, which brings about the loss of the world and consequently gives rise to nihilism. To review the reflection on the problem indicated, the paper looks at the insights of two thinkers, Nietzsche and Husserl. Regarding Nietzsche, we will speak of nihilism and of art set against science as the moment of the creation of truth, while with Husserl, we study insight as the source of philosophy, how the latter begot modern science, how this represents a gateway to crisis, and his attempt at establishing strict science. |