Analiza učinkovitosti učenja strojnika na stroju za sečnjo

Autor: Pezdevšek Malovrh, Špela
Přispěvatelé: Krč, Janez
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2014
Popis: Pomladi leta 2004 se je Gozdno gospodarstvo Bled, d.d. odločilo za nakup stroja za sečnjo Timberjack 1270 D. Ker pa nimajo usposobljenega kadra, ki bilahko delal s tem strojem, so se odločili, da izvedejo tečaj za strojnike spomočjo simulatorja, za delo na stroju za sečnjo. Namen časovnega spremljanja tečaja je bil ugotoviti, kakšna je učinkovitost procesa učenja. Začetek snemanje procesa učenja je potekal po kontinuirani metodi - pri učenjuna simulatorju, v nadaljevanju, ko je delavec obvladal proces do stopnje, ko je delo izvajal v ciklih, pa smo prešli na ničelno metodo - pri učenju na stroju za strojno sečnjo. Te čase smo snemali s pomočjo računalnika znamke Psion in v ta namen prirejenega računalniškega programa. Razlike med posamezniki so nastale že na začetku tečaja, in so lahko posledica različnih psihomotoričnih sposobnosti in različne motiviranosti posameznika. V procesu učenja so najtežje usvojljive naslednje operacije: kleščenje in prežagovanje, pozicioniranje sečne glave in premik po sečišču. Delovna operacija kleščenja in prežagovanja predstavlja 28,00 % delovnega časa, operacija pozicioniranja sečne glave 19,00 % delovnega časa in operacija premika po sečišču 24,00 % delovnega časa. In spring 2004 the Gozdno gospodarstvo Bled, d.d. made a decision to buy a harvester Timberjack 1270 D. Due to the lack of qualified staff for operating this machine a decision was made to perform a cours of machine operators whit the help of harvester simulator. The purpose of time study in the course was to find out how effective the procedure of the learning is. The beginning of learning procedure recording has been performed by continuing method - by learning on a simulator, later on when a worker maneaged the procedure to the extent he performed the work in cycle we went on nil method - by learning on the harvester. These times have been recorded by the computer Psion and the computer programme made for this purpose. At the beginning of the course the differences among the indidviduals may appeared because their psychomotorical capabilities were different and because they were not equally motivated. The operations which are the most difficult to learn in the learning procedure are: limbing and sawing up, the position of the wood-cutting head and the moving on the cutting down area. The working operation limbing and sawing up takes 28,00 % of the working time, the positioning of the wood-cutting head operation takes 19,00 % of the working time and the moving on the cutting downarea takes 24,00 %.
Databáze: OpenAIRE