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V diplomski nalogi smo zasnovali ribiško raketo, namenjeno hranjenju rib, saj smo po opravljeni analizi trga ugotovili, da ima vsaka izmed raket na trgu določene pomanjkljivosti. Oblikovali smo tri različne koncepte in se po vrednotenju vsakega izmed njih odločili za najbolj primernega. Ribiško raketo smo zmodelirali tako, da jo je bilo na koncu mogoče izdelati s tehnologijo 3D-tiska. Celoten proces konstruiranja smo že na začetku zasnovali tako, da pri izvedbi 3D-tiska nismo nikjer potrebovali podpornih struktur. Pred izbiro ustrezne tehnologije omenjenega tiska smo pregledali literaturo in se na podlagi te odločili za tehnologijo spajanja slojev. Najustreznejši je bil material PETG, ki smo ga posledično v nadaljevanju tudi uporabili pri tiskanju. S pomočjo literature smo določili tudi ustrezne parametre za tiskanje z izbranim materialom. Po izvedbi tiska smo testirali odpiranje ribiške rakete ob padcu v vodo. In our thesis we designed a fishing rocket intended for feeding fish. After analyzing the market, we found that each of the rockets currently on the market has certain shortcomings. We made three different concepts. After the valuation, we decided which one is the most suitable. We modeled the fishing rocket in a way that it is possible to make it with technology of 3D-printing. From the very beginning we designed the entire construction process in a way that we did not need the support structures. Before choosing the appropriate printing technology, we reviewed the literature. Based on it we decided for the technology of fused deposition. The most suitable material for the fishing rocket was PETG. Relying on the literature we also choosed the right parameters for the printing with selected material. After printing we tested the opening of the fishing rocket, when it falls into the water. |