Prehod iz vzgojnega zavoda v samostojno življenje z vidika mladostnikov in vzgojiteljev

Autor: Velkner, Laura
Přispěvatelé: Rapuš-Pavel, Jana
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Popis: Magistrsko delo obravnava prehod mladostnika iz vzgojnega zavoda v samostojno življenje z vidika mladostnikov in vzgojiteljev . Teoretični del se začne z obravnavo življenjskih potekov mladih, dotaknem se procesa osamosvajanja in v naslednjem poglavju to tematiko povežem z mladostniki, ki bivajo ali so bivali v vzgojnem zavodu. Na kratko opišem težave v socialni integraciji ter vzgojne zavode. Tretje poglavje se osredotoča na prehod mladostnika iz vzgojnega zavoda v samostojnost. V tem kontekstu predstavim vlogo vzgojiteljev pri prehodu mladostnikov v samostojno življenje. V nadaljevanju prikažem tudi obstoječe oblike pomoči poodpustnega spremljanja, v obliki mladinskih stanovanj in stanovanjskih skupin. V empiričnem delu magistrske naloge je uporabljena kvalitativna metodologija. Z intervjuji treh mladostnikov in treh vzgojiteljev dotičnega vzgojnega zavoda v Sloveniji je podana analiza prehoda mladostnika iz vzgojnega zavoda v samostojno življenje. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da prehod mladostnika poteka skozi proces celotnega bivanja in skozi načrtovanje priprave mladostnika na samostojnost. Izpostavljene so različne oblike priprave na samostojnost, tudi slabosti kot jih vidijo mladostniki in vzgojitelji. Rezultati med drugim opozorijo na sistemsko neurejenost poodpustnega spremljanja mladostnikov. Magistrsko delo se zaključi s sklepnim delom v katerem so podani predlogi in ideje za poodpustno spremljanje. The master’s thesis discusses the transition of the youngsters from out of home care into independent life from the view of the youngsters and the educators . The theoretical part discusses the life of the youngsters. It discusses the process of becoming independent and connects this matter with the youngsters who live or have lived in out of home care. Problems in social integration and out of home care institutions are described. I focus on the youngster’s transition from out of home care into independent life in the third chapter. In this context the part of the educators in transitioning the youngsters into independent life is also presented. In addition, different varieties of help after discharge from out of home care are introduced in form of youth residential centres and apartment groups. Qualitative methodology is used in the empirical part of the master’s thesis. Transition from out of home care into independent life analysis was made based on the interviews with three youngsters and three educators from out of home care in Slovenia. The results of the research show that the transition into independent life of the youngsters happens through the whole life in an out of home care. Different preparations for the independence are introduced along with the pros and cons as they are considered by the youngsters and the educators. The results are pointing out the system’s disorganisation of monitoring the youngsters after they have been discharged from out of home care. The master’s thesis concludes with suggestions and ideas for monitoring youngsters after being discharged from out of home care.
Databáze: OpenAIRE