Vpliv spremembe prehranskih navad na zmožnost samooskrbe Slovenije

Autor: Toni, Robert
Přispěvatelé: Mandelc, Damjan, Rebernik, Dejan
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Pojem samooskrbe se v zadnjih nekaj letih množično pojavlja v medijev oziroma je predmet številnih formalnih in neformalnih razprav. Tema diplomske naloge je bila izbrana z željo po bolj temeljiti preučitvi aktualnih razmer v slovenskem kmetijstvu, njegovem vplivu na okolje v tako nacionalnem kot globalnem oziru. V metodološkem polju bo prevladovala interpretacija in analiza primarnih in sekundarnih virov podatkov ter opisna oziroma deskriptivna raziskovalna metoda. Teoretski del naloge bo vseboval dosedanja dela geografske stroke na temo sonaravnega razvoja, opravljanja z okoljskimi viri ter funkcijskega pregleda pokrajinskih tipov slovenske kmetijske pokrajine. Pretekle raziskave ter analize bodo nadgrajene z aktualnimi znanstvenimi raziskavami ter izračuni okoljskih pritiskov sodobnega kmetijstva na agrarne in naravne ekosisteme. Velik poudarek pa bo na analiziranju kmetijskih subvencij iz nacionalnega in evropskega proračuna, iz tega pa bo sledila hipoteza, ki bo reflektirala potencialne vplive razporeditve finančne pomoči na zmožnost samooskrbe ter socialno in regionalno neenakost slovenskega prostora. V zaključku bo predstavljenih tudi nekaj pozitivnih primerov in pobud s strani nevladnih organizacij, društev ter samostojnih raziskovalcev. The concept of self-sufficiency has been massively appearing in the media over the past few years or is the subject of numerous formal and informal discussions. The topic of the thesis was chosen with the wish to study more thoroughly the current situation in Slovenian agriculture and its impact on the environment in both national and global contexts. In the methodological field, the interpretation and analysis of primary and secondary data sources and the descriptive research method will prevail. The theoretical part of the task will include the present work of the geographical profession on the subject of sustainable development, the provision of environmental resources and the functional review of the landscape types of the Slovenian agricultural landscape. Past research and analysis will be upgraded with current scientific research and calculations of the environmental pressures of modern agriculture on agrarian and natural ecosystems. A great deal of emphasis will be on analyzing agricultural subsidies from the national and European budgets, followed by a hypothesis that will reflect on the potential effects of the allocation of financial assistance on the ability of self-sufficiency and the social and regional inequality of the Slovenian territory. In conclusion, some positive examples and initiatives by non-governmental organizations, societies and independent researchers will be presented.
Databáze: OpenAIRE