Optimizacija in ovrednotenje mlečnokislinske fermentacije fižolove moke z bakterijami rodu Lactobacillus

Autor: Klančar, Maruša
Přispěvatelé: Jamnik, Polona
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2023
Popis: Fižol je starodavna poljščina, ki ima zaradi svoje ugodne hranilne sestave velik potencial v živilski industriji, zlasti v pekarstvu, saj je težnja po brezglutenskih izdelkih večja iz dneva v dan. Vključevanje fižolove moke v tovrstne izdelke bi doprineslo k večji vsebnosti beljakovin, vlaknin, mineralov in drugih bioaktivnih snovi, posledično pa tudi k večji pestrosti in izboru brezglutenskih izdelkov. Vendar pa uporabo fižolove moke v živilski industriji omejujejo antinutritivni dejavniki (ang. antinutritional factors, ANF), zato so potrebne učinkovite metode za razgradnjo oziroma zmanjšanje vsebnosti ANF. Namen naloge je bil optimizirati mlečnokislinsko fermentacijo (MKF) fižolove moke, ki se je na drugih matriksih že izkazala kot dobra metoda za razgradnjo fitinske kisline. Kot starter kulturo smo preverili tri vrste bakterij iz rodu Lactobacillus (L. plantarum, L. brevis in L. fermentum) na dveh substratih - moki rjavega in moki belega fižola - ob različno dolgih časih poteka fermentacije (24, 48 in 72h). Mlečnokislinsko fermentacijo smo ovrednotili z metodo štetja kolonij na trdnem gojišču (CFU), merjenjem vrednosti pH in določanjem koncentracije mlečne kisline. Preverjali pa smo tudi fitazno aktivnost, tako na trdnem gojišču kot v fermentacijski brozgi. Optimalen čas MKF glede na prirast biomase je bil 24 ur. Kot najbolj uporabna kombinacija z zaznano največjo fitazno aktivnostjo in najnižjo koncentracijo mlečne kisline, kar potrjujeta tudi višji pH in manjše število CFU/mL, se je izkazala starter kultura L. fermentum in substrat moka belega fižola. Bean is an ancient crop, that has due to its nutritional value a high potential in food industry, especially in bakery, as there is a growing interest for gluten-free products. Inclusion of bean flour in such products would contribute to larger contents of proteins, dietary fibres, minerals and other bioactive compounds, furthermore there would be a larger variety of gluten-free products. Despite the nutritional properties, the use of bean flour in food industry is limited by the presence of antinutritional factors, so there is a need of an effective method for degradation and reduction of antinutritional factors. The aim of the thesis was optimization of lactic acid fermentation of bean flour, which has been already shown as a good potential method for degradation of phytic acid. As starter cultures for lactic acid fermentation three Lactobacillus strains (L. plantarum, L. brevis in L. fermentum) were tested on two substrates – brown and white bean flour with different fermentation times (24, 48 and 72h). Lactic acid fermentation was evaluated by colonies forming units (CFU) count, pH measurement and determination of lactic acid concentration. Additionally, the assay of phytase activity in the solid medium and in a fermentation broth was performed. The optimal time of lactic acid fermentation considering biomass increment was 24 hours. Starter culture L. fermentum and white bean flour as a substrate proved to be the most useful combination with the highest phytase activity detected and the lowest lactic acid concentration, which was also confirmed by the higher pH and the lower CFU count.
Databáze: OpenAIRE