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Sopostavitel’nyj analiz dannych terminosistem na materiale rabot russkich rusistov, češskich rusistov i češskich bogemistov pozvoljajet vyjavit’ raznicu v terminologii. Nesmotrja na blizost’ sintaksičeskich tradicij, otličija projavljajutsja na ponjatijno-soderžatel’nom urovne, v rodovidovych, ijerarchičeskich, paradigmatičeskich otnošenijach, a takže na formal’nom urovne. A comparative analysis of systems of terms on the material of the works of Russian Russianists, Czech Russianists and Czech bohemists reveals a difference in terminology. Despite the closeness of syntactic traditions, the differences manifest themselves at the conceptual and substantive level, in generic, hierarchical, paradigmatic relations, as well as at the formal level. |