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Nissen, U K 2021, ' A flea in the ear and a louse over the liver : Idiomatic expressions of insects and other small animals located inside the human body ', RASK – International journal of language and communication, vol. 53, pp. 63-78 . < https://www.sdu.dk/en/om_sdu/institutter_centre/isk/forskning/forskningspublikationer/rask/issues/53 > |
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Within the study of zoomorphization, animal metaphors in which humans are compared to (certain characteristics of) animals, such as “You are a bitch”, have been discussed widely in the literature on figurative language; however, only very few studies have considered metaphors where animals actually invade, or reside in, the human body. This article presents a catalogue of ‘animal-in-the-body’-metaphors in various European languages in which insects and small animals are the protagonists. By means of this cross-linguistic analysis the article explores how, depending on the language in question, the same animal used in the figurative expressions may evoke similar or different emotional interpretations. Also, the motivation for these specific metaphors is pursued: What are the reasons for their existence? Finally, the relation between the metaphors in question and their experiential basis is discussed. Within the study of zoomorphization, animal metaphors in which humans are compared to(certain characteristics of) animals, such as “You are a bitch”, have been discussed widely inthe literature on figurative language; however, only very few studies have considered metaphors where animals actually invade, or reside in, the human body. This article presents a catalogue of ‘animal-in-the-body’-metaphors in various European languages in which insectsand small animals are the protagonists. By means of this cross-linguistic analysis the article explores how, depending on the language in question, the same animal used in the figurative expressions may evoke similar or different emotional interpretations. Also, the motivation for these specific metaphors is pursued: What are the reasons for their existence? Finally, the relation between the metaphors in question and their experiential basis is discussed. |