Screening against cervical cancer. Experiences, attitudes and knowledge of women in the county of Funen

Autor: Andreasen, L J, Hølund, B, Jeune, B, Sørensen, B
Jazyk: dánština
Rok vydání: 1998
Zdroj: Andreasen, L J, Hølund, B, Jeune, B & Sørensen, B 1998, ' Screening mod livmoderhalskræft. Fynske kvinders erfaringer, holdninger og viden ', Ugeskrift for læger, bind 160, nr. 4, s. 405-409 .
Popis: Questionnaires on women's attitudes and knowledge of cervical screening in the County of Funen were mailed to a sample of 1505 attenders aged 23-59 years, stratified on age and residence. A high proportion of attenders (80.4%) answered the questionnaire. Two-thirds of the women had been informed about the screening program before they received the invitation to participate. Generally the women were satisfied with the introduction to the screening program. However, the majority of the attenders were not satisfied with the way they received the result. They wanted the result no later than two weeks after the test was done, and they wanted the result from their GP. Independent of age and education the majority (about 90%) had a good general knowledge (knew that the smear is taken from the cervix; that early diagnosis is important; that cervix cancer can be treated). However the specific knowledge was lower and significantly associated with education (e.g. 43% versus 63% could identify the cervix on a drawing of the uterus among women with respectively low and high levels of school education). Furthermore, the majority were of the opinion that the test should be done more frequently than every three years as recommended by the National Health Board. Udgivelsesdato: 1998-Jan-19
Databáze: OpenAIRE