Formação inicial de professores no Pibid-Inglês: representações de aprendizagem e da consolidação na escolha pela profissão docente

Autor: Calvo, Luciana Cabrini Simões, Devico, Célia Regina Lessa Aleixo, Novelli, Josimayre
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2022
formação inicial de professores
aprendizagem docente
consolidação da escolha profissional
Within the area of Applied Linguistics
this article analyses the representations of teacher learning and the consolidation of the English teacher professional choice of participants of the Institutional Program of Teaching Initiation Scholarship (Pibid – Letras/Inglês – Edital 061/2013 – Capes)
in a state university in Paraná. The analyses are based on studies about teacher education in different modalities (Wallace

Bomfim & Conceição
with emphasis on the sociocultural perspective (Johnson & Freeman




Bastos & Sousa
2021). This case study is a research of qualitative nature and interpretive epistemology (Schwandt
whose data were generated between 2015 and 2017 through the participants' answers to an open questionnaire. According to the results
the classroom is one of the most emphasized aspects in the undergraduate’s education
since the experiences provided by this context were instruments for the teacher learning development in a contextualized
situated and socially constituted way. Also
the types of knowledge deployed by pibidianos during their participation in the program were essential for the constitution of their teacher identities and
for the English teacher professional consolidation choice. In conclusion
the process of learning to be a teacher
as well as the consolidation of the undergraduate’s choice for the profession
were permeated by the construction of several types of knowledge in a social practice focused on teaching
circumscribed in a model of teacher learning guided by the sociocultural perspective. This research is expected to contribute with debates about teacher learning in teacher education programs
specially Pibid
as well as to engage with other studies that focus this same educational context (Mateus et al.


El Kadri et al.

among others)
Zdroj: Acta Scientiarum. Language and Culture; Vol 44 No 1 (2022): Jan.-June; e55864
Acta Scientiarum. Language and Culture; v. 44 n. 1 (2022): Jan.-June; e55864
Acta Scientiarum. Language and Culture
Universidade Estadual de Maringá (UEM)
ISSN: 1983-4683
Popis: Within the area of Applied Linguistics, this article analyses the representations of teacher learning and the consolidation of the English teacher professional choice of participants of the Institutional Program of Teaching Initiation Scholarship (Pibid – Letras/Inglês – Edital 061/2013 – Capes), in a state university in Paraná. The analyses are based on studies about teacher education in different modalities (Wallace, 1991; Bomfim & Conceição, 2014), with emphasis on the sociocultural perspective (Johnson & Freeman, 2001; Johnson, 2009; Abrahão, 2012; Salomão, 2013; Bastos & Sousa, 2021). This case study is a research of qualitative nature and interpretive epistemology (Schwandt, 2006), whose data were generated between 2015 and 2017 through the participants' answers to an open questionnaire. According to the results, the classroom is one of the most emphasized aspects in the undergraduate’s education, since the experiences provided by this context were instruments for the teacher learning development in a contextualized, situated and socially constituted way. Also, the types of knowledge deployed by pibidianos during their participation in the program were essential for the constitution of their teacher identities and, consequently, for the English teacher professional consolidation choice. In conclusion, the process of learning to be a teacher, as well as the consolidation of the undergraduate’s choice for the profession, were permeated by the construction of several types of knowledge in a social practice focused on teaching, circumscribed in a model of teacher learning guided by the sociocultural perspective. This research is expected to contribute with debates about teacher learning in teacher education programs, specially Pibid, as well as to engage with other studies that focus this same educational context (Mateus et al., 2013; Silvestre, 2017; El Kadri et al., 2018; among others). Inserido na área da Linguística Aplicada, este artigo tem como objetivo analisar as representações de aprendizagem docente e da consolidação na escolha pela profissão professor de língua inglesa (LI) de participantes do Programa Institucional de Bolsa de Iniciação à Docência (Pibid – Letras/Inglês – Edital 061/2013 – Capes), de uma universidade estadual paranaense. As reflexões aqui empregadas estão embasadas pelos estudos que contemplam a formação docente em diferentes modalidades (Wallace, 1991; Bomfim & Conceição, 2014), com ênfase na perspectiva sociocultural (Johnson & Freeman, 2001; Johnson, 2009; Abrahão, 2012; Salomão, 2013; Bastos & Sousa, 2021). Este estudo de caso é uma pesquisa de natureza qualitativa e epistemologia interpretativista (Schwandt, 2006), cujos dados foram gerados entre os anos de 2015 e 2017 pela resposta dos pibidianos a um questionário de cunho dissertativo. Os resultados apontam o espaço da sala de aula como um dos aspectos mais evidenciados em suas formações, pois o contato e as experiências vivenciadas neste contexto foram dispositivos para o desenvolvimento da aprendizagem docente de forma contextual, situada e socialmente constituída. Ademais, os conhecimentos mobilizados pelos pibidianos foram essenciais para a constituição de suas identidades docentes e, consequentemente, para a consolidação da escolha pela profissão professor de LI. Conclui-se que todo esse processo de aprender a ser professor, bem como a consolidação pela profissão, foi permeado pela construção de diversos tipos de conhecimentos em uma prática social voltada para docência, circunscrito em um modelo de formação de professores pautado na perspectiva sociocultural. Espera-se contribuir com a discussão sobre aprendizagem docente em políticas de formação de professores, em especial no Pibid, além de dialogar com outros estudos que tiveram como foco esse contexto formativo (Mateus, El Kadri, & Silva, 2013; Silvestre, 2017; El Kadri, Calvo, Chimentão, & Mulik, 2018).
Databáze: OpenAIRE