Desafios e obstáculos para a implantação de um novo parque municipal

Autor: Reis, Fabrício Augusto dos Santos
Přispěvatelé: Escolas::EAESP, Guzzi, André Cavaller, Santos, Fernando Burgos Pimentel dos
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Repositório Institucional do FGV (FGV Repositório Digital)
Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV)
Popis: As áreas verdes urbanas são muito importantes na vida das grandes cidades, pois trazem qualidade de vida para as pessoas, dando a possibilidade da prática de exercícios, entre outras atividades de lazer, sendo extremamente funcionais para a permeabilidade do solo e na manutenção da biodiversidade. As principais capitais brasileiras passaram por um crescimento vertiginoso nas últimas décadas e, em boa medida, sem seguir um planejamento urbano adequada, ocasionando um povoamento desordenado, principalmente na periferia, onde o reflexo desse movimento ficou ainda mais evidente. Nesses lugares, onde moram as pessoas com maior vulnerabilidade social, são também os locais onde há maior carência de espaços verdes para o lazer. Diante esse contexto, um novo prefeito assume seu mandato e como uma das metas do seu plano do governo, está a implantação de um novo parque municipal urbano. Para tanto, dada a falta de recursos para esse tipo de projeto e pela previsão legal de recebimento em doação em troca de índice construtivo (transferência do direito de construir) o processo de implantação do Parque Tupi segue nessa linha. Após anos de tramitação, quando tudo parecia correr para a início das obras, o expediente é enviado à procuradoria, que faz uma séria de apontamentos, resultando em retrocesso do processo. Em meio as discussões administrativas e legais para a implantação do parque, um evento cultural termina em tragédia na comunidade, colocando luz à falta de espaços públicos e a pressão sobre o prefeito aumenta muito. O presente estudo de caso apresenta as dificuldades para a tomada de decisão de um prefeito, mesmo quando a necessidade dos cidadãos e da cidade são evidentes e os meios para a consecução da política pública parecem estar bem definidas e dentro da lei. Urban green areas are very important in the life of large cities, as they bring quality of life to people, offering the possibility of exercising, among other leisure activities, being extremely functional for soil permeability and maintenance of biodiversity. The main Brazilian capitals have gone through a vertiginous growth in the last decades and, to a great extent, without following an adequate urban planning, causing a disorderly population, mainly in the periphery, where the reflex of this movement became even more evident. In these places, where people with greater social vulnerability live, they are also the places where there is a greater lack of green spaces for leisure. In this context, a new mayor assumes his term and as one of the goals of his government plan is the implementation of a new urban municipal park. Therefore, given the lack of resources for this type of project and the legal provision of receiving a donation in exchange for a construction index (transfer of the right to build), the Parque Tupi implementation process follows this line. After years of processing, when everything seemed to be moving towards the beginning of the works, the file was sent to the attorney general, who made a series of notes, resulting in a setback in the process. Amidst the administrative and legal discussions for the implantation of the park, a cultural event ends in tragedy in the community, highlighting the lack of public spaces and the pressure on the mayor increases a lot. The present case study presents the difficulties for a mayor's decision-making, even when the needs of citizens and the city are evident and the means for achieving public policy seem to be well defined and within the law.Urban green areas are very important in the life of large cities, as they bring quality of life to people, offering the possibility of exercising, among other leisure activities, being extremely functional for soil permeability and maintenance of biodiversity. The main Brazilian capitals have gone through a vertiginous growth in the last decades and, to a great extent, without following an adequate urban planning, causing a disorderly population, mainly in the periphery, where the reflex of this movement became even more evident. In these places, where people with greater social vulnerability live, they are also the places where there is a greater lack of green spaces for leisure. In this context, a new mayor assumes his term and as one of the goals of his government plan is the implementation of a new urban municipal park. Therefore, given the lack of resources for this type of project and the legal provision of receiving a donation in exchange for a construction index (transfer of the right to build), the Parque Tupi implementation process follows this line. After years of processing, when everything seemed to be moving towards the beginning of the works, the file was sent to the attorney general, who made a series of notes, resulting in a setback in the process. Amidst the administrative and legal discussions for the implantation of the park, a cultural event ends in tragedy in the community, highlighting the lack of public spaces and the pressure on the mayor increases a lot. The present case study presents the difficulties for a mayor's decision-making, even when the needs of citizens and the city are evident and the means for achieving public policy seem to be well defined and within the law.
Databáze: OpenAIRE