Fontes de óleos vegetais em dietas para lambari-do-rabo-amarelo (Astyanax altiparanae): desempenho produtivo, perfil de ácidos graxos, rendimento e composição de carcaça

Autor: Tavares, Mateus Moraes
Přispěvatelé: Zuanon, Jener Alexandre Sampaio, Sabarense, Céphora Maria, Salaro, Ana Lúcia, Braga, Luís Gustavo Tavares, Moreira, Ana Vládia Bandeira
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: LOCUS Repositório Institucional da UFV
Universidade Federal de Viçosa (UFV)
Popis: Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior The lambari-do-rabo-amarelo (Astyanax altiparanae) is a species native of Brazil, being found from the northeast to the south of the country. The cultivation of this species has attracted the interest of many researchers because it is a fast growing fish, omnivorous and natural reproduction which could become a widely species produced in the country. Moreover, it is a fish with good market acceptance. However, the intensification in the production of this species depends mainly on studies related to feed and nutrition in order to indicate the diet that will provide the greatest development of the animal, without prejudice to its health. Thus, the present study aimed to evaluate the influence of supplementation with different sources of vegetable oils in diets for lambari-do-rabo-amarelo. Was used a completely randomized experimental design with six treatments (canola, corn, linseed, sunflower, olive and soybean vegetable oils) and five repetitions, where 510 fingerlings with 1.82 ± 0.09 g (average weight ± SD) were distributed in 30 circular tanks (100L), regarded as experimental units. Fish were fed with the test diets for a period of 90 days. At the end of the experiment, fish were evaluated for productive performance, body yield indexes, carcass chemical composition and lipid profile of the carcass and liver. Significant difference (p
Databáze: OpenAIRE