Contextualizing the teaching of good manufacturing practices

Autor: Benevides, Aline de Arruda
Přispěvatelé: Luchese, Rosa Helena, Dorna, Nancy dos Santos, Rangel, Mary
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da UFRRJ
Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro (UFRRJ)
Popis: Submitted by Sandra Pereira ( on 2020-04-09T15:46:53Z No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Aline de Arruda Benevides.pdf: 1833924 bytes, checksum: 907b2bc061032dc0dbd574095fe0c865 (MD5) Made available in DSpace on 2020-04-09T15:46:53Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2013 - Aline de Arruda Benevides.pdf: 1833924 bytes, checksum: 907b2bc061032dc0dbd574095fe0c865 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-05-28 This research was conducted at the Federal Institute of Education of Mato Grosso (IFMT) Cuiab? Bela-Vista Campus with a class of graduates from Subsequent Technical Food Course, which was deprived from laboratory classes, especially of the subject Microbiology due to reforms in the Complex of Laboratories. The students were motivated to participate in a project which proposed the analysis of sanitary conditions and food handling in commercial establishments. This project was characterized by spontaneous participation, and this proposal was not inserted within a discipline. The main aim of the research was to investigate the effect of a practical activity in the contextualization of the matter Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) that was taught in lectures along the course without a practical approach. As the literature review, it was researched on epistemological constituents that substantiate pedagogical theories about food safety and GMP concepts as well as the history of IFMT Campus Bela Vista. Initially, a questionnaire was applied aiming to survey the students' perception of the GMP content, followed by a diagnostic assessment of the pre-existing knowledge about the technical theoretical content. It was offered the theoretical basis and microbiology laboratory facilities to carry out the work. The students were free to choose the place and product that would be the subject of their GMP research, which were then divided in four groups: Group 01 (Frescal Minas type cheese), Group 02 (School Canteen), Group 03 (Bakery) and Group 04 (Butchers). The students prepared an article with the results, and have gone through new survey, covering: technical knowledge (same questionnaire applied initially). At the same time, the pupils were asked to express their perception about the activities they were enrolled. The results obtained from the data collected were confronted with testimonials of four key witnesses (two IFMT teachers and two ex-students attendees). The results of the pupil activities revealed improper hygienic and sanitary conditions within the different establishments evaluated. It is recommended that the supervisory agencies intensify the training and supervision. On the pedagogical results, it was verified an improvement in the cognitive aspects which indicated that students have built their knowledge. The average grade of correct answers from the first to the second application of the questionnaire increased 107%, therefore, there was contextualization of the GMP content. The teachers as well the students key witnesses perception was positive, the first confirmed an increased internalization of GMP matters by the students which also declare the activities were important to build up the knowledge of each of them. It was concluded that there was a contextualization of the GMP content and that the practical activities served as a means for promoting significant learning in this group of students. It is suggested that possible disciplines integrations to be carried out at the end or during the last semester of the technical course in food, in order to offer students a practical activity for contextualization of the theoretical subjects. Esta pesquisa foi realizada no Instituto Federal de Educa??o do Mato Grosso (IFMT) Campus Cuiab? Bela-Vista com uma turma de alunos formandos do Curso T?cnico Subsequente em Alimentos, que possu?am como caracter?stica a priva??o de aulas pr?ticas laboratoriais, em especial na ?rea de Microbiologia, devido uma reforma no Complexo de Laborat?rios. Os alunos foram motivados a participar de um projeto que prop?s a an?lise das condi??es higi?nico-sanit?rias e de manipula??o de alimentos em estabelecimentos comerciais. Este projeto foi caracterizado pela participa??o espont?nea, sem que esta proposta estivesse inserida dentro de uma disciplina. O objetivo geral foi investigar o efeito da atividade pr?tica no aprendizado dos alunos em rela??o ao conte?do Boas Pr?ticas de Fabrica??o (BPF), visando a contextualiza??o dos conte?dos ministrados nas disciplinas te?ricas. Como revis?o de literatura, pesquisou-se sobre os constituintes epistemol?gicos que fundamentam as teorias pedag?gicas, sobre os conceitos da seguran?a dos alimentos e as BPF, e a hist?ria do IFMT Campus Bela Vista. Inicialmente, aplicou-se um question?rio, objetivando determinar a percep??o dos alunos sobre o conte?do de BPF, seguido de uma avalia??o diagn?stica do conte?do te?rico t?cnico pr?-existente. Ofertou-se embasamento te?rico e de an?lises em laborat?rio de microbiologia, para a realiza??o dos trabalhos. Foi dada liberdade aos alunos para a escolha do estabelecimento/produto a ser analisada as condi??es higi?nico-sanit?rias, ocorreu a divis?o em: Grupo 01 (Queijo Tipo Minas Frescal), Grupo 02 (Cantina Escolar), Grupo 03 (Panificadora) e Grupo 04 (A?ougues). Os alunos elaboraram um artigo com os resultados encontrados, e passaram por nova sondagem, abordando: conhecimentos t?cnicos (mesmo question?rio aplicado para a sondagem) e a percep??o sobre a atividade realizada. Fez-se coleta de dados junto a quatro testemunhas-chave (dois docentes do curso e dois exalunos participantes), ap?s o t?rmino da atividade pr?tica, para confronto com os resultados obtidos. Os resultados obtidos pelas avalia??es das condi??es higi?nico-sanit?rias e das an?lises microbiol?gicas pelos alunos revelaram condi??es inadequadas. Aconselha-se que os ?rg?os fiscalizadores intensifiquem os treinamentos e a fiscaliza??o. Relativo aos resultados pedag?gicos, verificou-se a presen?a de aspectos relevantes na estrutura cognitiva dos alunos ? serem trabalhados (cient?ficos e do cotidiano), aspectos indicativos de que os alunos constru?ram seus conhecimentos. Na compara??o do n?mero de respostas corretas antes e depois, relativa aos conhecimentos t?cnicos, verificou-se que a m?dia das notas da segunda aplica??o foi 107% maior que a primeira, portanto houve contextualiza??o do conte?do das BPF. Atrav?s do levantamento junto ?s testemunhas-chave, evidenciou-se aspectos positivos tanto na percep??o dos professores sobre os alunos, quanto na vis?o dos alunos sobre o conhecimento constru?do para cada um deles. Conclui-se que a atividade pr?tica realizada atuou como um meio para a promo??o de uma aprendizagem significativa neste grupo de alunos. Sugere-se que sejam realizadas poss?veis integra??es disciplinares no final ou durante o ?ltimo semestre do curso t?cnico em alimentos, laborando poss?veis integra??es disciplinares de forma a propor aos alunos uma atividade pr?tica para contextualiza??o dos assuntos te?ricos j? vistos.
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