Efeito combinado de fitoter?picos anabolizantes e exerc?cio resistido em camundongos machos e f?meas submetidos ? castra??o

Autor: Martins, Jer?nimo Pietrobon
Přispěvatelé: Campos, Maria Martha
Jazyk: portugalština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_RS
Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS)
Popis: Os fitoter?picos t?m sido utilizados largamente pela popula??o, com a finalidade de aumento de massa muscular, emagrecimento, ganho de for?a e aumento de performance. Neste sentido, podem apresentar efeitos ben?ficos em situa??es cl?nicas de redu??o hormonal, como ocorre na menopausa e na andropausa. Contudo, ainda s?o necess?rios mais estudos cient?ficos para comprovar a efic?cia dos produtos naturais empregados para essa finalidade. No presente estudo, foram investigados os efeitos dos extratos liofilizados das plantas Ajuga turkestanica, Euricoma longifolia e Urtica dioica, individualmente, al?m da combina??o dos tr?s (TLU), em machos e f?meas castrados (ORX e OVX, respectivamente) e n?o castrados (SHAM). Ademais, foi avaliado o uso dos extratos, com e sem a associa??o ao exerc?cio resistido, que consistiu no treinamento para subir uma escada inclinada, com a adi??o progressiva de pesos na cauda do animal. Os teores de compostos ativos nos extratos liofilizados foram confirmados por LC-UV e LC-MS, indicando que o extrato de A. turkestanica cont?m 7,8% de fitoesterois, com 0,501 mg/g de turkesterona. Para o extrato de E. longifolia, o conte?do de fitoesterois foi de 0,5%, correspondendo a 0,009 mg/g de euricomanona. Finalmente, para a U. dioica, os conte?dos de fitoesterois foram de 2,8%, com 0,016 mg/g de ?-sitosterol. Em rela??o aos experimentos in vivo, camundongos C57BL/6Junib de ambos os sexos foram submetidos ? cirurgia para castra??o. Ap?s 8 semanas, foram iniciados os protocolos de exerc?cio resistido e tratamento com os extratos, por 8 semanas adicionais. Como desfechos, foram avaliados: a massa muscular, adiposidade, for?a de preens?o, fadiga, atividade locomotora geral e par?metros bioqu?micos e inflamat?rios. Animais OVX apresentaram aumento do ganho de peso corporal, acompanhado por aumento da fadiga, os quais foram revertidos pelo exerc?cio. O peso final das f?meas OVX foi reduzido pela combina??o de exerc?cio e suplementa??o com extrato de U. dioica. Por outro lado, nos animais ORX, foi observada uma redu??o marcante de peso corporal, acompanhada por atrofia muscular e aumento do tecido adiposo inguinal, sem apresentar a revers?o com o exerc?cio. Entretanto, a combina??o de exerc?cio resistido, com os extratos de E. longifolia ou U. dioica, foi capaz de reduzir a adiposidade abdominal em machos ORX. As f?meas SHAM, treinadas e tratadas com o extrato de A. turkestanica, apresentaram um aumento da for?a de preens?o, quando comparadas com o grupo controle sedent?rio. De forma interessante, o tratamento com o mesmo extrato tamb?m aumentou a for?a de preens?o em machos ORX, com ou sem a combina??o com exerc?cio. A interven??o com exerc?cio, combinada com o tratamento com TLU, aumentou a resist?ncia ? fadiga em f?meas OVX. Al?m disso, os extratos de E. longifolia e U. dioica, bem como TLU, reduziram o tempo necess?rio para completar a subida na escada inclinada, nos animais ORX. Nas f?meas e machos SHAM, a realiza??o de treinamento de resist?ncia aumentou a dist?ncia percorrida e a velocidade dos animais, de acordo com a avalia??o em um aparato de campo aberto. Para as f?meas OVX, houve aumento da dist?ncia percorrida e da velocidade nos grupos experimentais treinados e suplementados com A. turkestanica, U. dioica ou TLU. Nos machos, a combina??o de exerc?cio de resist?ncia e suplementa??o com E. longifolia ou U. dioica foi efetiva em aumentar os dois par?metros de atividade locomotora. Quanto ao tempo total de atividade, apenas os machos SHAM tiveram um aumento desse par?metro, quando submetidos a exerc?cio de resist?ncia e tratamento com A. turkestanica. Na an?lise histol?gica, n?o houve diferen?as significativas em rela??o ? ?rea total das fibras musculares ou adip?citos, quando todos os grupos experimentais foram comparados. Houve altera??o da frequ?ncia de distribui??o das fibras musculares em f?meas OVX, treinadas e tratadas com extrato de E. longifolia, com aumento das fibras entre 0 e 500 ?m2. Por outro lado, a frequ?ncia de fibras com 1500-2000 ?m2 foi reduzida em f?meas OVX sedent?rias, tratadas com o extrato de A. turkestanica. O mesmo foi observado para f?meas OVX treinadas, que receberam os extratos de U. dioica ou TLU. Finalmente, f?meas OVX sedent?rias tiveram um aumento das fibras > 3000 ?m2, ap?s o tratamento com E. longifolia. Em rela??o aos machos, houve um aumento das fibras de menor di?metro (0 a 500 ?m2) em animais ORX. Os machos SHAM, treinados e tratados com E. longifolia, tiveram um aumento significativo das fibras com 2500-3000 e >3000 ?m2. Os par?metros bioqu?micos e inflamat?rios avaliados n?o apresentaram altera??es com os tratamentos e/ou exerc?cio. A exce??o foi um aumento do colesterol n?o-HDL nas f?meas OVX, que foi prevenido pelo tratamento com TLU, independente da realiza??o de exerc?cios. Diferen?as discretas foram observadas nos pesos do f?gado e rins, sem qualquer altera??o do peso do c?rebro ou ossos, nos diferentes grupos. Em suma, os extratos fitoanab?licos estudados parecem modular de maneiras diferentes v?rios par?metros relacionados ? redu??o hormonal, em machos e f?meas. Em compara??o ao exerc?cio isolado, a associa??o destes fitoter?picos com o exerc?cio resistido, parece apresentar melhores resultados, sendo uma alternativa a ser explorada para o manejo de doen?as relacionadas ao decl?nio hormonal, como a sarcopenia. Herbal medicines have been widely used by the population, with the purpose of increasing muscle mass, weight loss, strength and general performance. These phytotherapics might have beneficial effects in clinical situations of hormonal reduction, such as in menopause and andropause. However, additional scientific investigations are still needed to prove the effectiveness of the natural products used for this purpose. In the present study, the effects of lyophilized extracts of Ajuga turkestanica, Euricoma longifolia, and Urtica dioica were investigated individually, in addition to the combination of the three plants (TLU), in castrated males and females (ORX and OVX, respectively) and non-castrated mice (SHAM). In addition, the use of extracts was evaluated, with and without the association with resistance exercise, which consisted of training to climb an inclined ladder, with the progressive addition of weights on the animal's tail. The contents of active compounds in the lyophilized extracts were confirmed by LC-UV and LC-MS, indicating that the extract of turkestanica contains 7.8% of phytosterols, with 0.501 mg/g of turkesterone. For E. longifolia extract, the phytosterol content was 0.5%, corresponding to 0.009 mg/g of euricomanone. Finally, for U. dioica, the phytosterol content was 2.8%, with 0.016 mg/g ?-sitosterol. Regarding in vivo experiments, C57BL/6Junib mice of both sexes were submitted to castration surgery. After 8 weeks, resistance exercise protocol and supplementation with extracts were started, for additional 8 weeks. As outcomes, muscle mass, adiposity, grip strength, fatigue, general locomotor activity and biochemical and inflammatory parameters were evaluated. OVX animals showed increased body weight gain, accompanied by increased fatigue, which were reversed by exercise. The final weight of the OVX females was reduced by the combination of exercise and supplementation with U. dioica extract. Conversely, in ORX animals, a marked reduction in body weight was observed, accompanied by muscle atrophy and increased inguinal adipose tissue, without showing a reversal with exercise. However, the combination of resistance exercise, with extracts of E. longifolia or U. dioica, was able to reduce abdominal adiposity in ORX males. SHAM females, trained and treated with A. turkestanica extract, showed an increase in grip strength when compared to the sedentary control group. Interestingly, treatment with the same extract also increased grip strength in ORX males, with or without the combination with exercise. Intervention with exercise, combined with treatment with TLU, increased the resistance to fatigue in OVX females. In addition, E. longifolia and U. dioica extracts, as well as TLU, reduced the time required to complete the climb on the inclined ladder in ORX animals. In SHAM females and males, resistance training increased the travelled distance and speed, according to the evaluation in an open field apparatus. For OVX females, there was an increase in the travelled distance and speed, in the experimental groups trained and supplemented with A. turkestanica, U. dioica or TLU. In males, the combination of resistance exercise and supplementation with E. longifolia or U. dioica was effective in increasing both locomotor activity parameters. As for the total activity time, only SHAM males had an increase in this parameter, when submitted to resistance exercise and treatment with A. turkestanica. In the histological analysis, there were no significant differences in relation to the total area of muscle fibers or adipocytes, when all experimental groups were compared. There was a change in the frequency of distribution of muscle fibers in OVX females, trained and treated with E. longifolia extract, with an increase of fibers between 0 and 500 ?m2. Alternatively, the frequency of fibers with 1500-2000 ?m2 was reduced in sedentary OVX females, treated with turkestanica extract. The same was observed for trained OVX females, who received extracts of U. dioica or TLU. Finally, sedentary OVX females had an increase in fibers> 3000 ?m2, after treatment with E. longifolia. In relation to males, there was an increase in fibers of smaller diameter (0 to 500 ?m2) in ORX animals. SHAM males, trained and treated with E. longifolia extract, had a significant increase in fibers with 2500-3000 and> 3000 ?m2. The evaluated biochemical and inflammatory parameters did not change with treatments and/or exercise. The exception was an increase in non-HDL cholesterol in OVX females, which was prevented by treatment with TLU, regardless of exercise. Discrete differences were observed in the weights of liver and kidneys, without any changes in brain or bone wet weights, in the different groups. In summary, the studied phytoanabolic extracts appear to modulate different parameters related to hormonal reduction, in males and females. Compared to isolated exercise, the association of these herbal medicines with resistance exercise seems to display better results, being an alternative to be explored for the management of diseases related to hormonal decline, such as sarcopenia. Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES
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