Estreantes no of?cio de ensinar na educa??o profissional e tecnol?gica
Autor: | Wiebusch, Eloisa Maria |
Přispěvatelé: | Vit?ria, Maria In?s Corte |
Jazyk: | portugalština |
Rok vydání: | 2019 |
Předmět: | |
Zdroj: | Biblioteca Digital de Teses e Dissertações da PUC_RS Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS) instacron:PUC_RS |
Popis: | O presente estudo investigou como d? o processo de constru??o da doc?ncia de estreantes - professor com at? cinco anos de atua??o na doc?ncia - no of?cio de ensinar na Educa??o Profissional e Tecnol?gica. Os professores investigados s?o bachar?is, mestres e/ou doutores, origin?rios de distintas ?reas de forma??o. As contribui??es te?ricas inclu?ram Marcelo Garc?a (2016), Vaillant (2018), Morosini (2018), N?voa (2016), Pacheco (2011), Tardif (2014), Vit?ria, (2018) e Zabalza (2018) entre outros. A investiga??o teve a abordagem qualitativa e quantitativa. Os instrumentos para a coleta de dados contaram com entrevista semiestruturada, fotografia, question?rio h?brido, an?lise documental, observa??o e di?rio de aula. Os atores da pesquisa foram professores estreantes bachar?is, assessoras pedag?gicas e estudantes do Ensino M?dio Integrado a Especializa??o. O cen?rio de pesquisa centrou-se no Instituto Federal de Educa??o, Ci?ncia e Tecnologia Sul-rio-grandense (IFSUL), c?mpus de Ven?ncio Aires (RS). A utiliza??o dos princ?pios da An?lise de Conte?do, proposto por Bardin (2009), para a leitura, a an?lise e a interpreta??o dos dados deu-se por meio do software Atlas.ti. Como resultados, destacamos o car?ter processual que a carreira docente exige do professor estreante at? catedr?tico; a necessidade de identifica??o com a nova profiss?o; o aprender a ser professor; o aprofundamento de distintas compet?ncias; a serenidade para acolher os in?ditos de uma sala de aula; a pr?tica da solidariedade entre os pares, a exig?ncia de alinhamento ?s diretrizes e normas vigentes nos Institutos Federais; a import?ncia do estreante reconhecer-se como um formador em tempo integral; a reflex?o sobre o acolhimento ao docente estreante; o ambiente de trabalho saud?vel, a abertura para as demandas educacionais contempor?neas e a doc?ncia como fonte de felicidade. Foi criada uma proposta de desenvolvimento profissional docente ? Mentoria e Acompanhamento Institucional para Estreantes na Doc?ncia (MAIED) ? a ser implementada no campo de atua??o da pesquisadora, o IFSUL. Palavras-chave: Professores Estreantes. Educa??o Profissional e Tecnol?gica. Forma??o Docente. IFSUL. Mentoria. The present study investigated the construction process of beginners in the teaching profession in professional and technological education ? bachelors ? who have become teachers. For this study, the teaching novice is the person with up to five years of teaching. The profile investigated includes bachelors, masters and/or doctors from different areas of formation. Theoretical contribution included the works of Marcelo Garc?a et al. (2016), Marcelo Garc?a and Vaillant (2018), Morosini (2018), N?voa (2016), Pacheco (2011), Tardif (2014), Vit?ria (2018), and Zabalza (2018) among others. This research has both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The instruments for data collection included semi-structured interviews, photo/image, hybrid questionnaire, documentary analysis, observation and class diaries. The actors of the research were novice teachers, bachelors, pedagogical assistants and students from integrated high school to specialization. Our research scenario was centering in the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Rio Grande do Sul (IFSUL), campus of Ven?ncio Aires (RS). The use of the principles of Content Analysis, proposed by Bardin (2009), for the reading, analysis and interpretation of the data was done through Atlas.ti software. As a result we can highlight the procedural nature that the teaching career requires of the novice teacher until become a senior teacher; the need to identify with the new profession; the learning to be a teacher; the deepening of different competences; the serenity to welcome the unprecedented ones of a classroom; the practicing of solidarity among peers, the requirement of alignment with the guidelines and norms in force in the Federal Institutes. We can also highlight the importance of the novice to recognize himself as a full-time trainer; the reflection on the reception of the novice teacher; the act of assuming the processes of teaching and learning; the place of students in planning; the healthy working environment, the openness to contemporary educational demands and the teaching as a source of happiness. The findings of research are composed in the form of pedagogical principles and formative practices that have become part of the propositional character that a study of this nature demands. In order to contribute to the novice teachers, we have created a proposal that we call Mentor and Institutional Accompaniment for Novice in Teaching (MAIED) to be implemented in the field of research of the researcher ? IFSUL. Keywords: Novice Teachers. Professional and Technological Education. Teacher Formation. IFSUL. Mentoring. Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior - CAPES |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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