Esquema de metadatos para contenidos multimedia educativos en entornos de iptv

Autor: Vargas Arcila, Angela María
Jazyk: Spanish; Castilian
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Repositorio Unicauca
Universidad del Cauca
instacron:Universidad del Cauca
Popis: Background: This work began with the aim of finding a way to mark up educational multimedia IPTV content. It focused on the idea that a metadata schema for educational multimedia content in an IPTV environment would identify educational contents or educational segments of content in that environment. Therefore, the metadata schemas options were reviewed for this purpose, finding that they were null, which supported the idea and led to the development of a schema with the necessary properties for the television context. Aims: The aim of this paper is to propose a metadata schema for marking up educational multimedia content in IPTV environments. Then, four general objectives were established. First, to define relevant characteristics of both existing metadata schemas for the marking of educational content on the web and multimedia content in IPTV. Second, adapt and implement an existing metadata schema that can be modified to the educational IPTV context. Third, verify the utility of the proposed schema using a manual marking up prototype within the framework of UsabiliTV project. Fourth, evaluate the schema functionality through a case study in the educational context, within the framework of UsabiliTV project. Method(s): To propose a metadata schema according to the aim of this work, first it adapted an existing metadata standard instead of choose to create a new schema with their own metadata vocabularies starting from scratch, for this, a study and comprehensive analysis of the most known and used current schemas for television resources description metadata television was made, selecting TV-Anytime as a basis metadata schema. The next step was the selection of educational metadata set thath would adapt to TV-Anytime, so the different schemas used today to describe educational content were studied. As a result a mapping between the highlights educational metadata was made, obtaining the necessary metadata to describe an educational resource. From this, the process of adaptation of TV-Anytime was performed and then the proposal was verified with the development of two prototypes: an authoring tool to mark-up educational content of television through EduTVA and a search service of educational content through IPTV. Results: Metadata scheme (EduTVA) for marking up multimedida educational content of television, an authoring tool to mark-up educational content of television through EduTVA, and a search service of educational content of television. Conclusions: The metadata schema EduTVA allows as simple or as detailed educational description as desired through creating segments. It has the appropriate metadata for describing educational content of television. EduTVA can be extended naturally focusing primarily in enhancing the definition of the elements that allow to describe the relationship with other content, with the aim of establishing relations between educational multimedia resources to create formal learning processes in this environment. Also, it can be extended with the definition of the elements that allow to add accessibility properties in order to describe the degree which a user can interact or access to an educational resource of television regardless of their physical, technical or cognitive skills.
Databáze: OpenAIRE