Collective resilience to global challenge: a collective wellbeing agenda to transform towards sustained equitable education

Autor: Ebersohn, Liesel
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Práxis Educativa; Vol. 15 (2020): Publicação contínua; 1-14
Práxis Educativa; V. 15 (2020): Publicação contínua; 1-14
Práxis Educativa; v. 15 (2020): Publicação contínua; 1-14
Práxis Educativa
Universidade Estadual de Ponta Grossa (UEPG)
ISSN: 1809-4309
Popis: COVID-19 is a large scale and unpredictable global challenge. It predicts extreme negative outcomes for development – including education. Those with privilege will benefit and those living on the margins will be additionally side-lined. Responses to equalise the unevenness of opportunities to learn is often perceived as goodwill attempts to help ‘a few in distress’ to thrive – with the norm that a majority has well-established resourced pathways towards wellbeing. COVID-19 constitutes a time and space of collective distress. COVID-19 calls for strategies to enable collective wellbeing – not as a luxury but as a necessity. Adversity responses that absorb or adapt to shock continue to maintain, rather than transform, the unequal essence of existing structures. What is needed for equity, also in education, is a transformative response. Social support responses to the global challenge of COVID-19 may offer insight into transformative pathways. Instances of social innovations because of a social contract to privilege collective wellbeing abound in the COVID-19 realm. In Africa, where large-scale adversity is normative, this is not unprecedented. Everyday interdependent resilience mechanisms of this calibre exist, termed flocking responses. Flocking denotes targeted joint resource distribution to counter extreme adversity. In this social response self-protection becomes secondary to collective wellbeing. In this position paper I argue that transformation to that which constitutes ‘new education’ post-COVID-19 may be the result (unintended and possibly sustained) of prolific non-structural flocking responses to equalise pathways that support education across systems. Examples of spontaneous systemic social interventions that resulted from ‘freedom to make choices (for all) with what is available’ could provide transformative insights to intentionally strive for collective wellbeing education agendas and deliberately create pathways for participatory engagement - rather than persisting with structurally engineered strategies maintaining inequality. Keywords: Collective resilience. Transformative sustainability. Equity and education. COVID-19. La COVID-19 es un desafío global imprevisible y de gran escala. Ella prevé resultados negativos extremos para el desarrollo -incluyendo la educación. Aquellos con privilegio serán beneficiados y aquellos que viven en los márgenes serán aún más marginados. Las respuestas para igualar la desigualdad de oportunidades de aprendizaje son, muchas veces, percibidas como intentos de buena voluntad para ayudar a "algunos en peligro" a prosperar -con la norma de que la mayoría posee caminos bien establecidos para el bienestar. La COVID-19 constituye un tiempo y espacio de sufrimiento colectivo. La COVID-19 exige estrategias para posibilitar el bienestar colectivo -no como un lujo, sino como una necesidad. Las respuestas adversas que absorben o se adaptan al choque continúan manteniendo, en vez de transformar, la esencia desigual de las estructuras existentes. Lo que es necesario para la equidad, también en la educación, es una respuesta transformadora. Las respuestas de apoyo social al desafío global de la COVID-19 pueden ofrecer informaciones sobre caminos transformadores. Instancias de innovaciones sociales a causa de un contrato social para privilegiar el bienestar colectivo abundan en el reino de la COVID-19. En África, donde la adversidad a gran escala es normativa, esto es inédito. Todos los días existen mecanismos de resiliencia interdependientes de este calibre, denominados respuestas migratorias (flocking responses). Migratoria denota distribución conjunta de recursos dirigida a combatir adversidades extremas. En esta respuesta social, la autoprotección se vuelve secundaria al bienestar colectivo. En este ensayo, argumento que la transformación en aquello que constituye la "nueva educación" post-COVID-19 puede ser el resultado (no intencional y posiblemente sostenido) de respuestas migratorias prolíficas y no estructurales para ecualizar caminos que apoyan la educación entre sistemas. Ejemplos de intervenciones sociales sistémicas espontáneas que resultaron de la “libertad de tomar decisiones (para todos) con lo que está disponible” podrían proporcionar insightstransformadores para buscar intencionalmente las agendas colectivas de educación para el bienestar y crear deliberadamente caminos para el compromiso participativo -en vez de persistir con estrategias de ingeniería estructural manteniendo la desigualdad. Palabras clave: Resiliencia colectiva. Sostenibilidad. transformadora Equidad y educación. COVID-19. COVID-19 is a large scale and unpredictable global challenge. It predicts extreme negative outcomes for development – including education. Those with privilege will benefit and those living on the margins will be additionally side-lined. Responses to equalise the unevenness of opportunities to learn is often perceived as goodwill attempts to help ‘a few in distress’ to thrive – with the norm that a majority has well-established resourced pathways towards wellbeing. COVID-19 constitutes a time and space of collective distress. COVID-19 calls for strategies to enable collective wellbeing – not as a luxury but as a necessity. Adversity responses that absorb or adapt to shock continue to maintain, rather than transform, the unequal essence of existing structures. What is needed for equity, also in education, is a transformative response. Social support responses to the global challenge of COVID-19 may offer insight into transformative pathways. Instances of social innovations because of a social contract to privilege collective wellbeing abound in the COVID-19 realm. In Africa, where large-scale adversity is normative, this is not unprecedented. Everyday interdependent resilience mechanisms of this calibre exist, termed flocking responses. Flocking denotes targeted joint resource distribution to counter extreme adversity. In this social response self-protection becomes secondary to collective wellbeing. In this position paper I argue that transformation to that which constitutes ‘new education’ post-COVID-19 may be the result (unintended and possibly sustained) of prolific non-structural flocking responses to equalise pathways that support education across systems. Examples of spontaneous systemic social interventions that resulted from ‘freedom to make choices (for all) with what is available’ could provide transformative insights to intentionally strive for collective wellbeing education agendas and deliberately create pathways for participatory engagement - rather than persisting with structurally engineered strategies maintaining inequality. Keywords: Collective resilience. Transformative sustainability. Equity and education. COVID-19.
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